from June 2011 by subject

[ANN] iQvoc 3.0 SKOS tool released

conference KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT TRACKS (Milano, 13 ottobre 2011) - call for papers - REMINDER

EARLY BIRD CLOSES: Classification and Ontology, 19-20 September, The Hague

INVITATION: Classification and Ontology, 19-20 September, The Hague

ISKO UK Biennial Conference 4th-5th July 2011 – Final reminder: registration closes on June 24th

LarKC Workflow Challenge 2011

Relevance of the OMG's SBVR (Semantics of Business Vocabulary and Business Rules) standard

Representation of Compound Mapping in SKOS

Results of survey "Do controlled vocabularies matter?"

skos:prefLabel without language tag

Submission deadline June 26th: 10th European NKOS Workshop at TPDL 2011

Tag-less literals and literals with empty tags

Last message date: Wednesday, 29 June 2011 12:49:57 UTC