- From: LAABOUDI Christine (OP) <Christine.LAABOUDI@publications.europa.eu>
- Date: Tue, 21 Jun 2011 14:02:21 +0200
- To: "'public-esw-thes@w3.org'" <public-esw-thes@w3.org>
- CC: "LE VRANG Martin (EMPL)" <Martin.LE-VRANG@ec.europa.eu>, "MORAL Gorka (EU-OSHA)" <moral@osha.europa.eu>, "FUGAZZA Cristiano (JRC-ISPRA)" <cristiano.fugazza@jrc.ec.europa.eu>, "'bettina.brenner@cedefop.europa.eu'" <bettina.brenner@cedefop.europa.eu>, "ROUG Soren (EEA)" <Soren.Roug@eea.europa.eu>, "VANSTEENKISTE Wim (EACEA)" <Wim.VANSTEENKISTE@ec.europa.eu>, "'Axel.Huckstorf@swp-berlin.org'" <Axel.Huckstorf@swp-berlin.org>, "'michael.lutz@jrc.it'" <michael.lutz@jrc.it>, "'Ahsan.Morshed@fao.org'" <Ahsan.Morshed@fao.org>, "'Gudrun.Johannsen@fao.org'" <Gudrun.Johannsen@fao.org>, "GUDLIN Dora (OP-EXT)" <Dora.GUDLIN@ext.publications.europa.eu>, "MICHEL Pepa (EAC)" <pepa.MICHEL@ec.europa.eu>, "VERNARDOS George (OP)" <George.VERNARDOS@publications.europa.eu>, "PINCON Nicolas (OP)" <Nicolas.PINCON@publications.europa.eu>, "DEFFIT Aude (OP-EXT)" <Aude.DEFFIT@ext.publications.europa.eu>
Dear all, In the framework of our Thesaurus Alignment project and on the behalf of the members of the Thesaurus Working Group, we would like to suggest the addition of a new “compound mapping” property in the SKOS-Core. Examples of mapping between EUR-LEX directory Code (T1) and EuroVoc (T2) A] Intersective Mapping T1 04.10.40 Fisheries / Common fisheries policy / State aids ExactMatch T2 (common fishery policy AND state aids) B] Cumulative Mapping T1 03.06.53 Eggs and poultry ExactMatch T2 (poultry OR egg) Best regards, Christine LAABOUDI-SPOIDEN Publications Office EUR-Lex - Eurovoc Team MER 127 Tel: +352 2929 42858
Received on Tuesday, 21 June 2011 12:02:54 UTC