"How People with Disabilities Use the Web"
28 July minutes
[Approval] - Re: Older Resources for new WAI design
[approval] Re: Selecting Evaluation Tools plan and outline
[ftr] How People with Disabilities use the Web planned revisions and content questions
Accessibility Intro Pages Revision Plan
AccessLearn CG and EOWG material
Business Case Plan (for approval)
Business Case Repository
Charter Work
diffs for review -- wasFwd: How People with Disabilities Use the Web - stories of web users ready for review
Easy Checks minor edits
Easy Checks Revision Plan
EOWG telecons schedule notes
Fwd: Business Case Repository
language and tool results
Media issues
New Site Prototype
Older Resources for new WAI design
Policies Resource - plan for changes/new site launch readiness
policy plan
Reminder: Eric’s availability this week
Resource management (RM) assignment survey - second chance and next steps for ALL
Selecting Evaluation Tools plan and outline
Tutorials was: Re: Which document to attack next?
Tweaks to prototype - to address later
WAI Mobile Resources proposal
WAI mobile resoures
Which document to attack next?
Last message date: Friday, 29 September 2017 21:39:58 UTC