Business Case Plan (for approval)

Hello Planning Team,

Please look over the Business Case planning wiki page
<> to see
the plan for updating the "Developing a Web Accessibility Business Case for
Your Organization" resource, put together by co-editor Rush.  ;)

(for Shawn (& Brent)) Please look over the approach section (linked to
above), paying attention to bullets 3-6 for what the co-editors plan to
address in this resource to prepare it for the redesigned WAI site. Please
edit or add additional bullets to this plan of attack and indicate your
name by the addition. We will look over the additions and be sure they are
discussed or incorporated.

Provide edits no later than August 29th. Please reply to this email upon
completion. We can discuss in planning meeting if needed.
Brent & Sharron (co-editors - Business Case)

Brent A. Bakken
Director, Accessibility Strategy & Education Services

512 202 1087

Learn more at

[image: Pearson]

Received on Friday, 25 August 2017 21:51:52 UTC