AccessLearn CG and EOWG material

Quick summary for the record:

Accessible Online Learning Community Group <> has been looking at info on accessibility of online learning and the WAI website, and documenting gaps and suggestions in the spreadsheet:

AccessLearn Chairs and EOWG Planning team met 6 Sept. Rough minutes are here: <>
* After we figure out what work to be done, AccessLearn folks probably can do most of the drafting and join EOWG for processing through review, revision, approval, publishing, and promoting.
* Action: Shawn send redesign nav and example Requirements Analysis to Mary and David

Next steps:
* EOWG see if spreadsheet is best way to process info, or request different format for CG to provide.
* EOWG look through suggestions and note if any out of scope.
* AccessLearn & EOWG decide on priorities.
* AccessLearn folks be patient :-) as EOWG is fully-loaded with resource revisions and redesign. Likely not to get to do much until after TPAC.

Feel free to add info or correct anything I missed. Feel free to send this e-mail to other lists.



Received on Wednesday, 6 September 2017 17:26:38 UTC