from May 2019 by subject

[dxwg] Add an example of a Client/Server scenario demonstrating profile inheritence (#748)

[dxwg] Add Usage Notes to dct:conformsTo (#916)

[dxwg] Added definitions and scope-notes for dct: prov: foaf: and odrl: props (#903)

[dxwg] Added section on CSW (#883)

[dxwg] Advisability of alternative method of content negotiation (#594)

[dxwg] Complete list of definitions (#378)

[dxwg] CONNEG: Reference to WFS3 (#942)

[dxwg] DataService and DataDistributionService (#432)

[dxwg] DCAT - LDP (Linked Data Platform) alignment (#254)

[dxwg] dcat.ttl - editorialNotes (#920)

[dxwg] DCAT: Duplicated DATS bib entry (#895)

[dxwg] DCAT: Editorial fixes (#919)

[dxwg] DCAT: Editorial fixes (#931)

[dxwg] DCAT: Inconsistent use of "profile" / "application profile" (#937)

[dxwg] DCAT: Main editorial fixes for CR (#918)

[dxwg] DCAT: Subtitle not included in SpecRef entries (#939)

[dxwg] dcat:accessURL mentioning SPARQL endpoint in rdfs:comment (#933)

[dxwg] dcat:compressFormat and dcat:packageFormat description inconsistency (#935)

[dxwg] Define conneg interaction with media types that have a profile param (#261)

[dxwg] Draft PR to address the Dataset publications [RDSP] requirement (#803)

[dxwg] Editorial comments on DCAT ED (#922)

[dxwg] Erratum: in DCAT 1.0 RDF dcat:keyword is a sub-property of dct:subject (#175)

[dxwg] Harmonise notes about 'property/etc added in this revision of DCAT' (#923)

[dxwg] Implementing proposals to address #83 & #85 (#807)

[dxwg] List profiles for dynamic resources (#785)

[dxwg] new commits pushed by davebrowning

[dxwg] new commits pushed by dr-shorthair

[dxwg] new commits pushed by pwin

[dxwg] PR for dataAPI work/discussions - Do not merge (#816)

[dxwg] PR to address the Dataset publications [RDSP] requirement (#803)

[dxwg] Pull Request: Add Czech translation

[dxwg] Pull Request: Added subtitle "Version 2" to title

[dxwg] Pull Request: dcat.ttl editorial work

[dxwg] Pull Request: DCAT: Editorial fixes

[dxwg] Pull Request: DCAT: Fixing inconsistent use of "profile" / "application profile"

[dxwg] Pull Request: Editorial fixes

[dxwg] Pull Request: Preserve LDP, remove from rec..

[dxwg] Pull Request: Removed script to cross-ref examples

[dxwg] Pull Request: replacing foaf:seeAlso with rdfs:seeAlso in dcat.ttll

[dxwg] Pull Request: Revised subtitle - now "Version 2"

[dxwg] Pull Request: Romanian translation of DCAT

[dxwg] Pull Request: Trying to address some of the issues highlighted by OPSS

[dxwg] Pull Request: Update index.html

[dxwg] Pull Request: Update to editorial notes and change notes in ttl file

[dxwg] Pull Request: Update to editors

[dxwg] Pull Request: Verify all recommended properties are in diagram

[dxwg] Pwin edit dcat 20190425 (#913)

[dxwg] Query string implementation of profile selection (#544)

[dxwg] Refer to OAI-PMH as an implementation of QSA (#516)

[dxwg] Relax range of dcat:themeTaxonomy (#911)

[dxwg] remove dcat:DataDistributionService as separate class, move properties and links to dcat:DataService (#821)

[dxwg] Remove redundant super property for dct:conformsTo (#943)

[dxwg] Returning profiles for QSA queries (#679)

[dxwg] Romanian translation of DCAT (#927)

[dxwg] Should a server list all profiles it supports, even those in a hierarchy (#932)

[dxwg] Specify the order of content negotiation (Profile v. Time v. Lang v. Content-Type) (#893)

[dxwg] Temporal & spatial encodings (#909)

[dxwg] Trying to address some of the issues highlighted by OPSS (#924)

[dxwg] Update to editorial notes and change notes in ttl file (#926)

[dxwg] Update to editors (#929)

[dxwg] URL/URI inconsistency in dcat:endpointURL comment (#934)

[dxwg] Verify all recommended properties are in diagram (#925)

[ExternalEmail] Types of dataset

Advanced Notification (and minutes of DCAT sub-group call 2019.05.01)

Agenda for 2019-05-02 CNEG meeting

Agenda for 2019-05-09 CNEG meeting 12:00 UTC

Agenda for CNEG Meeting 2019-05-19T12:00:00Z

Closed: [dxwg] Advisability of alternative method of content negotiation (#594)

Closed: [dxwg] Complete list of definitions (#378)

Closed: [dxwg] Dataset publications [RDSP] (#63)

Closed: [dxwg] DCAT - LDP (Linked Data Platform) alignment (#254)

Closed: [dxwg] DCAT: Main editorial fixes for CR (#918)

Closed: [dxwg] dcat:accessURL mentioning SPARQL endpoint in rdfs:comment (#933)

Closed: [dxwg] Define conneg interaction with media types that have a profile param (#261)

Closed: [dxwg] Include CSW as related work (#882)

Closed: [dxwg] remove dcat:DataDistributionService as separate class, move properties and links to dcat:DataService (#821)

Closed: [dxwg] Responses can conform to multiple, modular profiles (UC 5.3) (#217)

Closed: [dxwg] Returning profiles for QSA queries (#679)

Closed: [dxwg] Spatial coverage [RSC] (#83)

Closed: [dxwg] Specify the order of content negotiation (Profile v. Time v. Lang v. Content-Type) (#893)

Closed: [dxwg] Temporal coverage [RTC] (#85)

DCAT implementation evidence: Action for all

DCAT sub-group call 2019.05.08T20:00:00Z

DCAT sub-group call 2019.05.15T20:00:00Z

DCAT sub-group call 2019.05.22T20:00:00Z

DCAT sub-group call 2019.05.29T20:00:00Z

DCAT Version 2: Approaching CR: Review of draft to be done next week

DXWG Plenary - 2019-05-21T20:00:00

DXWG Plenary 2019-05-07T20:00:00

DXWG Plenary: 2019-05-14

DXWG Plenary: 2019-05-28T20:00:00

dxwg-ACTION-325: Contact roba regarding action-193 and jmeter tests

dxwg-ACTION-326: Write proposal in #785 regarding how to handle multiple dimensions in link headers

dxwg-ACTION-327: Get w3c to announce conneg pwd2

dxwg-ACTION-328: Draft replies to tom's email in a new gh issue

dxwg-ACTION-329: Check if an announcement has been made to public comments list

dxwg-ACTION-330: Formally notify these cgs with plh_ -style request

dxwg-ACTION-331: Make change subtitle should say "version 2"

dxwg-ACTION-332: Update action in the tracker to reflect the fact that pwin will do it

dxwg-ACTION-333: Confirm with pwin which groups we beleive we have to consult

dxwg-ACTION-334: Organize wide review of dcat

dxwg-ACTION-335: Make ed change adding note to definition of dcat profile

dxwg-ACTION-336: Poll pwin regarding action-327

dxwg-ACTION-337: Contact plh about web architecture issues arising from #603

Feedback on PROF testing from ODRL CG

Implementations of DCAT (rev) - CKAN plugin

Minutes of CNEG meeting 2019-05-30

Poll for DXWG to Proposed Recommendation


Proposed agenda for CNEG telecon 2019-05-23T12:00:00Z

regrets for next two weeks

Types of dataset

Wide review - other WG etc

Last message date: Friday, 31 May 2019 23:29:47 UTC