RE: Poll for DXWG to Proposed Recommendation

Dear Pedro,

I apologise as I have not been able to follow the work on DCAT v2 closely and I apologise in advance if the question I have stems from my omission to do so.

I’m confused by the proposed transition to Proposed Recommendation. I’ve not been able to find a published Candidate Recommendation, which is normally the preceding stage in a w3c document’s lifecycle. I did find a recent proposal to transition the draft to a new stage but it was to transition to Candidate rec, not Proposed rec.

Can you please clarify?

Linda van den Brink

Van: pedro winstley <>
Verzonden: zondag 12 mei 2019 23:53
Aan: Dataset Exchange Working Group <>;; Dave Raggett <>; Karen Coyle <>
Onderwerp: Poll for DXWG to Proposed Recommendation

Dear Colleagues  is a poll asking for your views about the proposal to transition the DCAT Version 2 draft to Proposed Recommendation.

Please can you complete as soon as possible, and before 20 May.

Note that this is for version 2.  There are aspects such as versioning that have been held back in the github backlog for the next version.

Many thanks


Received on Wednesday, 15 May 2019 07:40:43 UTC