DCAT Version 2: Approaching CR: Review of draft to be done next week

Dear Colleagues

At the DCAT subgroup meeting today the group resolved to ask the DXWG
Plenary to review the editors draft with a view to the proposal to
transition to CR being made soon.  See
https://www.w3.org/2019/05/08-dxwgdcat-minutes.html and resolution #4

This note is just to alert you to this so that you can prepare.

There are still some small additions that will be completed by weekend
(resolution #3 refers) and there will be other minor editorial changes as
the document is polished.

Please can you prepare to make a detailed review of the draft next week.  I
will issue a poll then.

Many thanks to everyone for your efforts


Received on Wednesday, 8 May 2019 21:08:21 UTC