Implementations of DCAT (rev) - CKAN plugin

Dear DCAT members of the WG,

Are any of you planning on updating CKAN’s ckanext-dcat plugin ( to express DCAT (rev) properties? I ask because:

  *   I have clients using CKAN who would like the plugin to expose DCAT (rev) details, not DCAT (original) or DCAT-AP 1.1 properties
  *   I believe such a plugin would constitute a great implementation for DCAT (rev)

I can budget for plugin extension work July+ (could be within July) but not before. If the WG is to go for an extension, would work within July on this plugin be useful to you as an implementation or would it be too late? If any of you are already planning to update this plugin, I would be interested in testing it and demoing its use through my client, July+.



Received on Tuesday, 28 May 2019 09:21:04 UTC