[Fwd: schema xsi:type validation question]
A worm is on your computer!
Annotation allowed on XML representation of attribute use (Possible erratum? )
Any plan to extend Key and KeyRef element for a better support of XPath?
bad link in XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes
Built-in Attributes
Canonical lexical representation of duration, redux
Canonical representation of -0.0
Clarification of "Element Declarations Consistent"
E1-5 missed a case
E2-35: min/maxLength after length?
E2-41 Error
Editorial comment: 'truncation' not defined
Error in XML Schema Spec 2: DTs
examples of date, month, year and century in XML Schema
incorrect unique constraint in Primer?
Looking for the flexibility of having conditional section in Xml Schema
make it object-oriented
max occurs
New Sobig-Worm variation (please read)
Nillable KeyRef element
Part 1: final attribute of simpleType
Pointless <sequence>, <choice>, <all>
Problems while using schemas......
Proposal for improvements in the next version of xml schema
relax xs:all restriction of child elements having minOccurs 0 or 1 and maxOccurs 0 or 1 (Message-ID: <AFE3FBA300B6F04282BE07949DB2E123 A4185A@TORINO.corp.es.com> )
request iso-8601 date types
reuse of schema
Same element name, different namespaces: is that possible?
Sch Comp Cons: Particle Derivation OK (All/Choice/Sequence:Any -- NSRecurseCheckCardinality)
schema 1.1 request - drop numeric occurrence values on model groups
schema xsi:type validation question
Tag draft on ID and minimal Schema processing
timezone in non-precise time types
Typing Error in XML Schema Spec 2: DTs
Unions: canonical lexical representation
use of anySimpleType in schemas
Validation of an element restriction whose base type has the variety union
XML Schema Decimal Types
XML Schema Design Issue.
XML Schema Part 0: Primer - Section 2.5.3 Empty content
XML Schema wishlist
XMLSchema.xsd: anyType's {prohibited substitutions} is #all
Last message date: Wednesday, 24 December 2003 10:45:06 UTC