XML Schema wishlist

I'm not certain if the following capabilities are already possible in XML Schema 1.0, but I haven't found a way to implement them. What would be nice if there was a way to attach restrictions to elements based on the result of an XPath expression. This is useful for when an element may appear as a child of several other elements, but the attributes of the element are relevant based on the element's parent or ancestor.

A common scenario would be the use of an element to describe a field. The field's attributes are not always relevant, based on the presence or value of other attributes. E.g. If a field has a "datatype" attribute, it is required to have a "fieldSize" attribute. If the field does not have a "datatype" attribute, it must have a child element called "list".

Brett Uglow

Received on Monday, 13 October 2003 07:19:29 UTC