XML Schema Part 0: Primer - Section 2.5.3 Empty content


I am referring to the Section 2.5.3 Empty Content - 2nd paragraph in the XML
Schema Part 0: Primer document published on May 2, 2001. I have identified
the following error.

I think the following line:

Such an element has no content at all; its content model is empty. To define
a type whose content is empty, we essentially define a type that allows only
elements in its content, but we do not actually declare any elements and so
the type's content model is empty: 

should be read as:

Such an element has no content at all; its content model is empty. To define
a type whose content is empty, we essentially define a type that allows only
attributes in its content, but we do not actually declare any elements and
so the type's content model is empty: 

Vijay R

Received on Monday, 13 October 2003 07:19:11 UTC