WSDL and classes that instantiate an interface
Agenda, 31 May - 1 Junel 2005 WS Desc FTF, Berlin
Proposal to resolve issue LC82 - Operation Name Mapping Bug
Minutes, 26 May 2005 WS Description telcon
Dicussion of alt schema languages
Agenda, 26 May 2005 WS Desc telcon
WSDL 2.0 2005-05-10 Working Draft Discrepancies
RE: LC Editorial Comment for WS-Addressing Core Specification
Call for Participation: W3C Workshop on XML Schema 1.0 User Experiences
FW: LC Editorial Comment for WS-Addressing Core Specification
URI style and IRI support
WSDL 2.0 Chameleon Include tests
anyURI simplification
binding fault defaulting?
LC74c proposed resolution
Minutes, 19 May 2005 WS Description telcon
[revised] Agenda, 19 May 2005 WS Desc telcon
Final CFP : IEEE ICDM'05
Action 2005-04-22 Alternate Proposal for Service References
Agenda, 19 May 2005 WS Desc telcon
Action item 2005-05-05 Safety Item
RE: WSDL1.1: Minor change request proposal: mandatory attribute name in the definitions element.
Vorbildliche Aktion
WSDL1.1: Minor change request proposal: mandatory attribute name in the definitions element.
Comment from WSDL group on ReplyTo
Re: WSDL 2.0 Interface tests
Minutes, 12 May 2005 WS Description telcon
LC90; Allowing Different Defintions of Elements within the Same Namespace
Proposal for LC64:
AI for LC18
AI on scoping
LC80: frag id extensions for wsoap:header, whttp:header, wsoap:module
- Re: LC80: frag id extensions for wsoap:header, whttp:header, wsoap:module
- RE: LC80: frag id extensions for wsoap:header, whttp:header, wsoap:module
The description of wsdli:wsdlLocation attribute is limiting (Editorial Item)
Working Drafts have been published
Invitation to join the Web Services Discussion Forum
What is the purpose of #none?
- Re: What is the purpose of #none?
- RE: What is the purpose of #none?
- RE: What is the purpose of #none?
- RE: What is the purpose of #none?
- RE: What is the purpose of #none?
- RE: What is the purpose of #none?
- RE: What is the purpose of #none?
Agenda, 12 May 2005 WS Desc telcon
LC97: Additional Info
MEP template
Minutes, 5 May 2005 WS Description WG telcon
Partial regrets for 2005-May-05 telcon
[revised]: Agenda, 5 May 2005 WS Desc telcon
Editorial Comment: wsdl:include
RE: Primer draft ready for review
Agenda, 5 May 2005 WS Desc telcon
Editorial: What are sections 2.16.x for?
LC review of WS-Addressing
- Re: LC review of WS-Addressing
- RE: LC review of WS-Addressing
- Re: LC review of WS-Addressing
- FW: LC review of WS-Addressing