LC97: Additional Info

> Action: 2005-05-05: Asir to enumerate what is pending for LC97 [1]

Today, Part 1 and 2 have three different styles for setting default values

[Style A] via mapping from XML Representation to component properties.

Example: {required} = The actual value of the required attribute information
item if present, otherwise "false".

[Style B] via XML Representation

Example: A [local name] of cookies 
 A [namespace name] of "" 
 A type of xs:boolean
 A default value of false

[Style C] via description of a component

Example: {http query parameter separator} REQUIRED. A xs:string indicating
the query parameter separator character. Its default value is "&".

LC97 is about choosing one of these styles instead of many. Either [Style A]
or [Style C] works. I do not know how [Style B] works. I prefer [Style A].
Attached below is a survey of setting default values in Part 1 and 2. To

Style A = [A1] thru [A9] (see below)
Style B = [B1] thru [B5] (see below)
Style C = [C1] (see below)

While reviewing part 2 for LC97, I bumped into a related sub issue. In Part
2, Section 5.10.4 -

"{http transfer coding} = The actual value of the whttp:transferCoding
attribute information item on the Binding Message Reference or Binding Fault
Reference component, if present. If not, the actual value of the
whttp:transferCodingDefault on the Binding Operation component, if present.
If not, the actual value of the whttp:transferCodingDefault on the Binding
component, if present."

In the above para, we are mixing XML Representation and Component
Properties. Why? whttp:transferCoding attribute does not exist on Binding
Message / Fault Reference component. whttp:transferCodingDefault attribute
does not exist on the Binding component.

Thank you for reading!


Asir S Vedamuthu
asirv at webmethods dot com

----- Survey of setting default values in Part 1 and 2 -----

[A1] Part 1, Section 2.4.3

{style} = The set containing the URIs in the actual value of the style
attribute information item if present, otherwise the set containing the URIs
in the actual value of the styleDefault attribute information item of the
[parent] interface element information item if present, otherwise empty.

[A2] Part 1, Section 2.5.3

{message content model}	= If the element attribute information item is
present and its value is a QName, then #element. Otherwise the actual value
of the element attribute information item, if any, otherwise #other.

[A3] Part 1, Section 2.7.3

{required} = The actual value of the required attribute information item if
present, otherwise "false".

[A4] Part 1, Section 2.8.3

{value} = The value of the [children] property of the value element
information item, if that element is present, otherwise empty.

[A5] Part 2, Section 4.4.4

{soap version} = The actual value of the wsoap:version attribute information
item if present, otherwise "1.2"

[A6] Part 2, Section 4.8.4

{soap mep} = The actual value of the wsoap:mep attribute information item,
if present. If not, the actual value of the wsoap:mepDefault attribute
information item of the parent wsdl:binding element information item, if
present. If not the value as defined by the default SOAP binding rules (for
SOAP 1.2, see 4.11.3 Default Binding Rules), if applicable.

[A7] Part 2, Section 4.10.5

{mustUnderstand} = The actual value of the mustUnderstand attribute
information item if present, otherwise false.

[B1] Part 2, Section 5.4.3

A [local name] of version 
A [namespace name] of "" 
A type of xs:string
A default value of "1.1"

[C1] Part 2, Section 5.6.2

{http query parameter separator} REQUIRED. A xs:string indicating the query
parameter separator character. Its default value is "&".

[B2] Part 2, Section 5.6.3

An OPTIONAL faultSerialization attribute information item with the following
Infoset properties:
A [local name] of faultSerialization 
A [namespace name] of "" 
A type of xs:string
A default value of "application/xml"

[A8] Part 2, Section 5.6.4

{http query parameter separator} = The actual value of the
whttp:queryParameterSeparator attribute information item, if present.
Otherwise, the actual value of the whttp:queryParameterSeparatorDefault
attribute information item, if present. Otherwise, "&".

[A9] Part 2, Section 5.10.4

{http transfer coding} = The actual value of the whttp:transferCoding
attribute information item on the Binding Message Reference or Binding Fault
Reference component, if present. If not, the actual value of the
whttp:transferCodingDefault on the Binding Operation component, if present.
If not, the actual value of the whttp:transferCodingDefault on the Binding
component, if present.

[B3] Part 2, Section 5.11.3

A [local name] of cookies 
A [namespace name] of "" 
A type of xs:boolean
A default value of false

[B4] Part 2, Section 5.12.3

An OPTIONAL authenticationType attribute information item with the following
Infoset properties:
A [local name] of authenticationType 
A [namespace name] of "" 
A type of xs:string
A default value of "none"

[B5] Part 2, Section 5.12.3

An OPTIONAL authenticationType attribute information item with the following
Infoset properties:
A [local name] of authenticationRealm 
A [namespace name] of "" 
A type of xs:string
A default value of ""

Received on Monday, 9 May 2005 18:32:50 UTC