HH's AIs (was Re: Agenda, 5 May 2005 WS Desc telcon)

* Jonathan Marsh <jmarsh@microsoft.com> [2005-05-03 11:34-0700]
> 3.  Review of Action items [.1].
> DUE?      2005-04-21: Hugo to check (Section 6.6) for correctness, 
>                       due ?. 
> DUE?      2005-04-21: Hugo fix type thing and look at rest for 
>                       consistency in DaveO's examples at
>                       .../wsdl20-primer.html#reservationDetails_HTTP and
>                       .../wsdl20-primer.html#reservationList_HTTP_GET,
>                       due ? 



> DUE?      2005-04-21: Hugo to establish RDDL docs, due ?. 

Done for next publication; example:


    (served automatically from http://www.w3.org/2005/05/wsdl/soap if
    your browser groks application/xhtml+xml)

Comments are welcome; FYI, the templates are at:


and the code generating the files at:


> DUE?      2005-04-21: Hugo to take action to check with Henry if accept
>                       our resolution, due ?. 

I pinged Henry to let him know we were about to publish our final
version, and he ack'ed my notice, so I think we're set.

> DUE?      2005-04-21: Hugo to continue to look at IRI style/URI style,
>                       due ?. (LC74a) 

This is not done yet. As I have lots of things in the pipe, can I have
a due date of May 26th as I behaved well on my other action items? :-)

Hugo Haas - W3C
mailto:hugo@w3.org - http://www.w3.org/People/Hugo/

Received on Tuesday, 3 May 2005 19:25:27 UTC