[compositing] background-blend-mode blending order
[css-align] Centering in the viewport
[css-box] CSS Formalization and Automation
[css-display] Explaining <br>
[css-display] Should the inner model of `table-cell` and `table-caption` be `flow-root`?
[css-fonts] font-language-override property and descriptor
[css-fonts] Untested things from css-fonts-3
[css-grid] Agenda+ Summary of Open Issues
[css-grid] Caption issue
[css-grid] Example declarations
[css-grid] minmax max value
[css-layout] Object tag content dimensions
[css-logical-props] logical values for 'float' and 'clear'
[css-position] Clarification on effect of 'position: sticky' on table elements
[css-text-decor] Proposal for the 'text-emphasis-position' property syntax values
- fantasai (Tuesday, 7 February)
- GĂ©rard Talbot (Tuesday, 7 February)
- fantasai (Tuesday, 7 February)
- Pierre-Anthony Lemieux (Saturday, 4 February)
- fantasai (Saturday, 4 February)
- Pierre-Anthony Lemieux (Friday, 3 February)
- fantasai (Thursday, 2 February)
- Pierre-Anthony Lemieux (Thursday, 2 February)
- fantasai (Thursday, 2 February)
- Pierre-Anthony Lemieux (Thursday, 2 February)
- Momdo Nakamura (Wednesday, 28 December)
[css-variables] testsuite status and interoperability
[CSS2] Proposed process for maintaining CSS2
[css3-mediaqueries] min-width, max-width, & fractional-pixel widths
[csswg] Agenda conf call 1-Feb-2017
[csswg] Agenda conf call 15-Feb-2017
[csswg] Agenda conf call 22-Feb-2017
[csswg] Agenda conf call 8-Feb-2017
[CSSWG] Minutes Seattle F2F 2017-01-11 Part I: FX Breakout - Transforms, Whitespace in a custom property in a variable reference, Geometry Interfaces
[CSSWG] Minutes Seattle F2F 2017-01-11 Part II: Text Breakout - Hyphenation, Text Decoration
[CSSWG] Minutes Seattle F2F 2017-01-11 Part III: Text Breakout - Inline Layout & Initial Letter
[CSSWG] Minutes Seattle F2F 2017-01-11 Part IV: CSS Color
[CSSWG] Minutes Seattle F2F 2017-01-11 Part V: Backgrounds
[CSSWG] Minutes Seattle F2F 2017-01-11 Part VI: Writings Modes, CSS Tables, Values & Units 4
[CSSWG] Minutes Seattle F2F 2017-01-12 Part I: FX Breakout - Transforms [css-transforms]
[CSSWG] Minutes Seattle F2F 2017-01-12 Part II: Text Breakout - Text Decoration, Step-Sizing/Rhythm [css-text-decoration] [css-rhythm]
[CSSWG] Minutes Seattle F2F 2017-01-12 Part III: Text Breakout - Line Grid, Block Step Sizing [css-line-grid] [css-rhythm]
[CSSWG] Minutes Seattle F2F 2017-01-12 Part IV: Font color palettes, Font rendering controls, Font loading, Tokyo F2F [css-fonts]
[CSSWG] Minutes Seattle F2F 2017-01-12 Part V: CSS2.1, What can go to CR this quarter?, WPT, CSS UI 3 [CSS21] [CSS-UI-3]
[CSSWG] Minutes Seattle F2F 2017-01-13 Part I: Grid [css-grid]
[CSSWG] Minutes Seattle F2F 2017-01-13 Part II: Scrolling, Sizing [css-overflow] [css-sizing]
[CSSWG] Minutes Seattle F2F 2017-01-13 Part III: Fetch and CSS Interactions, EXI for CSS, Display Module [css-inline]
[CSSWG] Minutes Seattle F2F 2017-01-13 Part IV: Logical Properties, <url> in content, SVG Integration, CSS 2.1, Snapshot [css-logical-props] [css-content] [CSS21] [CSS-2017]
[CSSWG] Minutes Telecon 2017-02-01 [css-speech] [css-ui] [css-display] [cssom-view]
[CSSWG] Minutes Telecon 2017-02-08 [css-align] [css-2017]
[CSSWG] Minutes Telecon 2017-02-15 [css-timing] [css-text-decor] [css-speech] [css-grid] [css-cascade]
[CSSWG] Minutes Telecon 2017-02-22 [css-fonts] [css-flexbox] [css-sizing] [css-text-decor] [cssom] [css2] [css-display]
[CSSWG][css-align-3] Updated WD of CSS Box Alignment L3
[CSSWG][css-contain] First Public WD of CSS Containment L1
[CSSWG][css-sizing-3] Updated WD of CSS Sizing L3
[whatwg] [csswg][css-display] Updated WD of CSS Display L3
agenda+ Updating /TR of Transitions, now Timing is published
CSS re-introduce min/max functions
Draft checklist for accessibility of technology, comment by 17 March
Request to publish FPWD of CSS Timing Functions
Writing Modes PR & Testsuite
Last message date: Friday, 24 February 2017 00:32:28 UTC