- From: Dael Jackson <daelcss@gmail.com>
- Date: Mon, 13 Feb 2017 20:19:25 -0500
- To: www-style@w3.org
========================================= These are the official CSSWG minutes. Unless you're correcting the minutes, Please respond by starting a new thread with an appropriate subject line. ========================================= Text Track ++++++++++ Hyphenation ----------- - There was a general sense that the least harmful behavior is to not hyphenate when there's no language declared. - zcorpan and myles will work together to see if it's possible for browsers to standardize the behavior based on how much is already in the wild. Text Decoration --------------- - RESOLVED: defer issue 4 (https://drafts.csswg.org/css-text-decor-3/issues-cr-2013#issue-4) - RESOLVED: defer issue 3 to next level (https://drafts.csswg.org/css-text-decor-3/issues-cr-2013#issue-3) - Issue 2 (https://drafts.csswg.org/css-text-decor-3/issues-cr-2013#issue-2) needs more investigation before a resolution can be reached. If it requires a change in initial value the change will have to occur in this level, but a new feature could be deferred. - RESOLVED: We reject issue 14. (https://drafts.csswg.org/css-text-decor-3/issues-cr-2013#issue-14) - RESOLVED: Reject issue 5 and follow up. (https://drafts.csswg.org/css-text-decor-3/issues-cr-2013#issue-5) - RESOLVED: undefined on issue #10. (https://drafts.csswg.org/css-text-decor-3/issues-cr-2013#issue-10) - RESOLVED: Go with Ken Lunde's suggestion for issue 13 (Issue: https://drafts.csswg.org/css-text-decor-3/issues-cr-2013#issue-13 Suggestion: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2016Dec/0094.html) - RESOLVED: Accept fixes to handle fixes in default UA stylesheet. (Issue 11: https://drafts.csswg.org/css-text-decor-3/issues-cr-2013#issue-11 Issue 19: https://drafts.csswg.org/css-text-decor-3/issues-cr-2013#issue-19) - RESOLVED: text-emphasis-position: [ over | under ] && [ right | left ]? (Issue 17: https://drafts.csswg.org/css-text-decor-3/issues-cr-2013#issue-17) - fantasai will reach out to i18n to see if there's a use case for the left value in text-emphasis-position. - RESOLVED: Update spec to handle sideways-lr/sideways-rl as rotated horizontal text (Issue 20: https://drafts.csswg.org/css-text-decor-3/issues-cr-2013#issue-20) - RESOLVED: Omitted text-underline-position value defaults to auto. (Issue 18: https://drafts.csswg.org/css-text-decor-3/issues-cr-2013#issue-18) - RESOLVED: Split text-decoration-skip into longhands. (Issue 1: https://drafts.csswg.org/css-text-decor-3/issues-cr-2013#issue-1 Issue 22: https://drafts.csswg.org/css-text-decor-3/issues-cr-2013#issue-22) - RESOLVED: In level 3, have text-decoration-skip-ink. Move all other parts of skipping to level 4. ===== FULL MINUTES BELOW ====== Agenda: https://wiki.csswg.org/planning/seattle-2017 Note: The group split the morning of the 11 January on two tracks: FX and Text. Scribe: dauwhe Text Track ++++++++++ Hyphenation =========== <astearns> hyphenation: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/869 <astearns> http://software.hixie.ch/utilities/js/live-dom-viewer/saved/4761 <astearns> testcase^ zcorpan: It's non-interop whether hyphenation happens if there's no language declared. Florian: For hyphenation to work we need language tagging. Florian: So if it works, this encourages authors to not pay attention. Florian: So if you don't declare the language, it shouldn't work. zcorpan: There is resistance in the issue. myles: This property has been around for years myles: so they haven't been paying attention for years. myles: Our browsers hyphenate, users would think there's a regression if we changed this. koji: We already rely on system language for font selection, etc. koji: What's the criteria for when we do and don't want system language-related behavior. astearns: I think it's different than font selection. astearns: We can fall back to system fonts. astearns: I'm assuming there's lots of non-tagged content. zcorpan: This only affects hyphens: auto pages astearns: If we fall back to system... astearns: So we could get different behavior for same English-language page on different computers. fantasai: If it's dependent on your personal system, then that's bad for authors. Florian: Legacy is a problem. Florian: Having cjk look Japanese on Japanese computers and Chinese on Chinese computers was a legacy issue. Florian: The fact that hyphens: auto hyphenates is webkit only. frenemy: Microsoft does it too. fantasai: It won't make or break a web page. fantasai: It's not interoperable now. fantasai: It won't change how your layout works. fantasai: It's a slight regression of typesetting quality, but won't break pages fantasai: unless they're already broken. myles: Hyphenation will be off or weird if you have hyphens: auto in lang x and reading in lang y Bert: I often read pages in four languages, can't use my system language. astearns: Tagged in lang x, reading on system for lang y, wouldn't you still use lang x dictionary? myles: Only if it's not tagged. myles: Content says hyphens auto myles: written in lang x, not tagged, system in language y. SteveZ: We're lacking relevant information like frequency of these problems. SteveZ: We're talking about the horses mouth without counting the teeth. SteveZ: If you're American, and you speak English, hyphenation probably works. SteveZ: If you have German system, read lots of English or Dutch content, then you get lost. SteveZ: It depends where you're looking. SteveZ: Better to turn off bad hyphenation. fantasai: Very common for people in Europe to read English fantasai: They'll get incorrect behavior Florian: Everywhere fantasai: Most of Europe has the same writing system as English -> conflicts. fantasai: Our job is to promote interop. fantasai: There's a split in UA behaviors fantasai: it is not well established that you get hyphenation. fantasai: If we take interop seriously fantasai: then we need to not make things system-dependent. fantasai: There is legacy stuff, but this is not that kind of stuff. fantasai: It doesn't break pages. fantasai: Author can just tag the language. <Florian> +1 <dbaron> +1 <zcorpan> https://www.chromestatus.com/metrics/css/popularity#hyphens use counter for hyphens 1.8725% . in httparchive hyphens:auto appears in 27,173 resources from 494,891 pages zcorpan: There's use counter for hyphens property. zcorpan: 27k resources out of half a million. zcorpan: for lang attribute it's 2.6%. zcorpan: 2.3% on root element. <zcorpan> https://www.chromestatus.com/metrics/feature/popularity#LangAttribute Florian: Are there stats for usage together? zcorpan: no <tantek> I'm curious what happens if we drop the <html lang="en"> from the count <tantek> in my experience those are just copy/pasta from templates/ boilerplates astearns: Given these numbers, would webkit be willing to change? myles: This isn't enough information. myles: There's four pieces; it's the intersection of the four pieces. Florian: We have a limited time to deal with this. Florian: Because chrome didn't have hyphens, and has large market share Florian: so few people are depending on it. fantasai: Very limited. fantasai: Now is good time to change. astearns: I agree we want interop astearns: Could chrome and FF match webkit? zcorpan: Chrome already matches webkit zcorpan: Firefox is different. myles: Having things be system language dependent is not contrary to interop. Florian: In font fallback there's two things- Florian: helvetica vs times is ok Florian: but Japanese can't look like Chinese. Florian: We should always tag languages Florian: but they don't Florian: so we have to take from system for Chinese vs Japanese. Florian: But with this case we don't have to take from system Florian: most English readers are not native speakers. koji: We do use sys lang for font selection. Florian: Spell check is less crazy. Florian: You're checking what the user is typing, and that's likely in their sys language. frenemy: On windows you have control frenemy: system settings are user-modifiable. astearns: We're drifting astearns: I want interop. zcorpan: I can file an issue on gecko zcorpan: and I can try to get a figure on hyphenation: auto with no declared lang. astearns: zcorpan and myles can work on standard behavior astearns: Is this a regression or whether this is something and you can stick you what you have. SteveZ: If I don't hyphenate that's safe from understandability viewpoint. SteveZ: If I do hyphenate in the wrong language, I can destroy the understandability of the text. SteveZ: Doing it when it's wrong is worse than not doing it. SteveZ: The other point is SteveZ: in this case, we shouldn't take the option of the easy way out- SteveZ: meaning FF doing what others do. SteveZ: We should try to make the change so that lang is required. SteveZ: It seems people want to do the right thing if possible. <fantasai> +1 to what szilles said dauwhe: hear hear astearns: The approach of requiring lang for hyphenation is better for readers. astearns: We need to see if browsers can change. koji: Same spelling of word can be different? astearns: There's a bob dylan record- astearns: the tambourine man- astearns: on 1st printing, it was hyphenated as tambor-urine astearns: which changes meaning. Florian: It's wrong hyphenation but not caused by wrong language astearns: That could be. astearns: We're not going to make more progress today. astearns: Need action for which way forward. Florian: Big difference between font selection thing is that font selection is local problem, mostly for non-international languages. Florian: English is everywhere. Florian: hyphenation happens to international languages. Florian: there are more and more things in text that require language tagging. Florian: we should push on authors. koji: 60% of pages are lang tagged. myles: I'm not worried about pages in the future. myles I'm worried about pages that exist. Florian: We're not encouraging people to do the right thing <tantek> I'm really confused about the claims about language tagging <tantek> specifically the <html lang="en"> problem, and if we can make things easier for authors we should! (instead of trying to "force" them to do something like language tag everything) <Florian> tantek: which claim is confusing you? One I made? <tantek> Florian yes, more the assumptions behind your claim. <tantek> Florian we can discuss offline, usability vs making authors do more work. Text Decoration =============== <fantasai> https://drafts.csswg.org/css-text-decor-3/issues-cr-2013 fantasai: disposition of comments^ <fantasai> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2016Dec/0121.html fantasai: There are lots of issues that came up during CR. fantasai: Starting at bottom of list 'cause they're easier. Issue 4: Allow arbitrary decorations ------------------------------------ fantasai: First set are things that should be deferred. fantasai: 1. allow arbitrary declarations, using @-rules fantasai: This is issue 4. <fantasai> https://drafts.csswg.org/css-text-decor-3/issues-cr-2013#issue-4 Florian: This was reinventing SVG Florian: Yes. myles: Can I anti-object? RESOLVED: defer issue 4 Issue 3: Allow specifying position and thickness of underlines -------------------------------------------------------------- <fantasai> https://drafts.csswg.org/css-text-decor-3/issues-cr-2013#issue-3 fantasai: Issue 3 fantasai: We should do this, but since it's a new feature it should go in level 4 astearns: Agree to defer? RESOLVED: defer issue 3 to next level Issue 2: text-decoration-color vs SVG fills ------------------------------------------- <fantasai> https://drafts.csswg.org/css-text-decor-3/issues-cr-2013#issue-2 Florian: Issue 2. Florian: Interaction between text-decoration-color and svg fills. Florian: We should work on this issue in the fills spec. Florian: Might require changes to text-decor but we're not sure. Florian: Isn't this a case of adding auto to solve the issue. fantasai: Possibly. astearns: Link in issue goes to a disambiguation page. fantasai: I complied this offline. I will fix it. Florian: Having text-decoration-color: auto is a possible solution. Florian: Why don't resolve? fantasai: Let's defer until paint spec is more complete, which deals with fills and strokes. astearns: Paint spec talks about script. astearns: This says what's in svg changes things. fantasai: I haven't thought thru how we'll make this all work. fantasai: Let's figure out the paint spec, then figure out if we need to change. tantek: I agree with fantasai. fantasai: SVG doesn't do anything for other things. astearns: I'm ok to defer. Florian: OK to keep issue open Florian: but I don't want to close. fantasai: We're not pushing for PR now tantek: Could it be a new feature? fantasai: It might need to be different initial value. astearns: More about interaction. tantek: We wouldn't add a new auto value? fantasai: Current value is current color. astearns: Leave issue open? tantek: Unless you want to keep it open for a solution without adding a feature, you should consider deferring. fantasai: If it's just changing an initial value, then that's a small-enough change. tantek: No one supports this today, so it's a new feature. fantasai: We can add new feature in CR if we need to. fantasai: We did that for flex. astearns: We need to determine whether we need to fix this now, or whether we can defer. astearns: If it's adding a new value we can defer. astearns: If we need to change initial value, we can't defer. tantek: You don't want implementations to shift with new default value. fantasai: Leave open for now. astearns: If we keep open, link is to email. astearns: We need github issue astearns: and add to issue whether we need to change initial value. Florian: This isn't shipping but it's in svg. astearns: I can see the default value ignore the svg. fantasai: The whole thing more investigation. Issue 14: 'text-emphasis' shorthand should not allow only <color> ----------------------------------------------------------------- fantasai: Two issues are rejected fantasai: #14 <fantasai> https://drafts.csswg.org/css-text-decor-3/issues-cr-2013#issue-14 fantasai: A request to forbid text emphasis from having only a color. fantasai: We already allow this for border, etc. astearns: Have they responded to rejection? fantasai: I think he's ok with it but haven't found email. tantek: I'm missing why we should do this. tantek: Border color is right answer, we already have this pattern. RESOLVED: We reject issue 14 but will follow up. fantasai: tab followed up, there was no response for a year <tantek> tab's message URL? <fantasai> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2015Nov/0355.html <tantek> (was not linked from Xidorn's message) <fantasai> because our archive software is terrible <tantek> agreed resolve per Tab's response / explanation Issue 5: text-shadow should apply to inline images -------------------------------------------------- fantasai: Should text shadow apply to inline images. <fantasai> https://drafts.csswg.org/css-text-decor-3/issues-cr-2013#issue-5 fantasai: We've had it so long it would break things (issue 5). astearns: Any objections to the rejection? RESOLVED: Reject issue 5 and follow up. Issue 10: Clarify whether emphasis marks are upright or sideways for sideways-rl/lr -------------------------------------------------------------------- <fantasai> https://drafts.csswg.org/css-text-decor-3/issues-cr-2013#issue-10 fantasai: Next set of issues: fantasai: Issue #10. fantasai: Text emphasis marks go on each char, older than underline, used in cjk fantasai: In vertical text they go on R side. fantasai: We added new mode for vertical, sideways-RL and sideways-LR. fantasai: My proposal was to make sideways-* behave as rotated horizontal text wrt emphasis marks. fantasai: It's for graphical effects in English, like book titles or headings. fantasai: It also rotates cjk chars. fantasai: It's not a vertical writing mode. fantasai: Question was what do we do for emphasis marks?? fantasai: If we turn all cjk sideways, we should also turn emphasis. fantasai: So koji thinks we should make it undefined, since this is very rare fantasai: due to implementation issues--it's easier to do as for vertical-* koji: And it's really edge cases. Florian: I can buy both those arguments Florian: this is not vertical-rl Florian: rather than undefined, how about should? koji: I agree koji: but most common case of sideways-rl is for non-cjk. koji: When ckj user tries to typeset English in a CJK document, they might want upright. astearns: (Draws) ?? fantasai: They can be comma-shaped things, so the question is does the shape rotate. Florian: You might want cjk emphasis to be upright. Florian: I'm ok with undefined SteveZ: Would Japanese really like the variable distance between the emphasis marks? SteveZ: Is anyone going to use this kind of emphasis on rotated text? Florian: Then we should do should instead of undefined Florian: Japanese emphasis on Latin, I could argue for upright. SteveZ: I would expect emphasis to be rotated in the example on the whiteboard. koji: We're unlikely to do this. SteveZ: I'd expect to see that in a user interface, in a vertical tab. fantasai: I'd expect it to be upright. astearns: this is VERY edge casey astearns: I'm usually not OK with undefined astearns: but I don't care. astearns: I'm hearing several people OK with undefined. RESOLVED: undefined on issue #10 SteveZ: Which is a hint to don't do this. astearns: Or if someone provides good user feedback. Issue 13: Should emphasis marks use 'font-variant: ruby'? --------------------------------------------------------- <fantasai> https://drafts.csswg.org/css-text-decor-3/issues-cr-2013#issue-13 fantasai: Next issue is 13. fantasai: Should emphasis marks use ruby opentype feature? fantasai: Ken said they should. fantasai: Does anyone have opinion? Florian: I agree with the argument. fantasai: It's an OT feature, so if it's not there nothing happens. fantasai: When you draw emphasis marks. fantasai: You take this unicode code point, reduce by 50%, and set as ruby. fantasai: UA could use a dedicated font. fantasai: If you are using a real font, is that you enable OT ruby feature fantasai: it will be shrunk down, having extra bulk will work. myles: Should be like small caps, if anything in run doesn't support then you should synthesize. fantasai: You don't synthesize. myles: I meant disabled. fantasai: You don't disable fantasai: you tell font to turn on feature, if it's not there you do nothing. astearns: If run of ruby has fallback. fantasai: It's not ruby, it's emphasis marks. myles: Oh. I'm on board. fantasai: You just turn it on. If it doesn't do anything, it doesn't do anything. RESOLVED: Go with ken lunde's suggestion Issues 11 & 19: Improvements to default UA stylesheet suggestions ----------------------------------------------------------------- <fantasai> https://drafts.csswg.org/css-text-decor-3/issues-cr-2013#issue-11 <fantasai> https://drafts.csswg.org/css-text-decor-3/issues-cr-2013#issue-19 fantasai: Next issues on underline position. fantasai: Some were fixes to suggested stylesheet for nesting of languages. fantasai: So if you put Japanese inside Chinese you'd get wrong result. fantasai: So we fixed that so nesting things would work. fantasai: That's issue 11. fantasai: 19 is same thing for different rule in stylesheet. astearns: Any opinions? astearns: Have we gotten i18n review yet? fantasai: No, I'll ping r12a RESOLVED: Accept fixes to handle fixes in default UA stylesheet. Issue 17: 'text-emphasis-position' requires too many arguments -------------------------------------------------------------- <fantasai> https://drafts.csswg.org/css-text-decor-3/issues-cr-2013#issue-17 fantasai: Issue 17, syntactic. fantasai: Takes two keywords, one for horizontal and one for vertical. fantasai: Nakamura Momdo says too wordy. fantasai: We just want to change in horizontal. fantasai: Can you make it easier to use one keyword. fantasai: The languages that use this feature usually have same opinion on which side. fantasai: If you want to change you should mention horizontal. fantasai: Suggestion is to make vertical component of text-emphasis-position to be optional. fantasai: There's an email to explain: <fantasai> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2016Dec/0118.html SteveZ: If you set one it won't change the other. fantasai: Based on assumption that C and J prefer emphasis on the right. fantasai: Which can be checked by i18n. koji: Why do we have left? fantasai: I don't know. SteveZ: If you double mark, you can get emphasis on both sides. Florian: Like nesting emphasis. SteveZ: That's more likely. steveZ: I've seen examples with emphasis on both sides. fantasai: This is inherited property; never has both. Florian: So we can't do that. Florian: So we don't need left. Florian: Maybe right and both and not right and left. SteveZ: Can we ask if there's a case for left during i18n review? ACTION: fantasai to ask about case for left in i18n review <trackbot> Created ACTION-810 astearns: Any objections to simplifying argument for text-emphasis-position? RESOLVED: text-emphasis-position: [ over | under ] && [ right | left ]? <skk> I think the position of emphasis should be explored. I saw some cases that only left emphasis. If I misunderstood, sorry. <astearns> skk - that's the action on Fantasai - to look into only left or both in vertical text <skk> astearns, thanks for letting me know. Issue 20: Update spec to handle sideways-lr/sideways-rl ------------------------------------------------------- <fantasai> https://drafts.csswg.org/css-text-decor-3/issues-cr-2013#issue-20 <fantasai> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2016Dec/0119.html fantasai: Issue 20, adding sideways-rl and sideways-lr fantasai: Introduced typographic modes, same as rotated horizontal text. fantasai: It will follow the horizontal settings for the text. fantasai: Any comments? RESOLVED: Update. Issue 18: 'text-underline-position' should default to 'auto' for CJK, to avoid compat issues --------------------------------------------------------------------- <fantasai> https://drafts.csswg.org/css-text-decor-3/issues-cr-2013#issue-18 fantasai: Issue 18. fantasai: Suggested UA rules for cjk used "under": fantasai: for Japanese right and under fantasai: for Chinese left and under. fantasai: We set the underline position for horizontal text as well fantasai: but that changes browser behavior. fantasai: Changed auto to under fantasai: but was changing things. fantasai: So I changed default user stylesheet fantasai: to minimize changes from current behavior. fantasai: This is important for Latin text inside cjk but didn't tag Latin text Florian: Which is common. fantasai: To avoid regression. fantasai: 2 changes: one to default UA stylesheet, other is to change omitted behavior for text-underline-position. fantasai: Assuming no objections to changing UA stylesheet. fantasai: You can always be more explicit. astearns: Is there any benefit to have text underline position behave like text emphasis position? astearns: Where we don't allow only setting to right? fantasai: Text underline position allows auto or under fantasai: You don't ever do underlines on over side in horizontal text, fantasai: otherwise you'd use an overline. fantasai: So it's a bit different. astearns: Seems ok to have omitted value default to auto. What does it do now? fantasai: Defaults to under. RESOLVED: Omitted value defaults to auto. Issue 1: Allow UA to skip ink by default/Issue 22: CJK doesn't like skipping ink, shouldn't by default ------------------------------------------------------------------- fantasai: issue 1 <fantasai> https://drafts.csswg.org/css-text-decor-3/issues-cr-2013#issue-1 <fantasai> https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/727 fantasai: Allow UA to skip ink by default Florian: Do we need to discuss with issue 22? <fantasai> https://drafts.csswg.org/css-text-decor-3/issues-cr-2013#issue-22 <fantasai> https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/727 <fantasai> https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/707 koji: There are a few related issues: koji: Our goal... blink has implemented skip ink, it's currently opt in. koji: We want it on by default. koji: When get more implementations better to have on by default. koji: In doing so... koji: Currently value is part of text decoration skip ink. koji: There are side effects. fantasai: When you want to turn on ink skipping fantasai: it resets other things you might skip, like spaces. fantasai: Whether you skip ink can be language dependent fantasai: and a different question than skipping images. Florian: The language dependent part is tricky. Florian: We've talked of cjk and Arabic. Florian: In cjk you don't want ink skipping often. Florian: It's unclear in Arabic. Florian: May be influenced by position of underline. Florian: In cjk if you do it bad you may overlap bottom of cjk chars, which is bad Florian: might interfere with accents in Arabic Florian: but with better positioning data it's ok. Florian: Maybe we need auto. koji: Skip ink is different from others, take ink out from skip. Florian: It's an overlapping issue. koji: If we agree ink is different, and take it out from skip Florian: If we take ink out, it makes the other issues less severe but they don't go away. Florian: The ink-skip property is a list of on-off toggles, which cascades poorly Florian: because it's a bunch of flags, if we want to add more. Florian: The explicit things that authors already written mean new flags are overwritten unintentionally Florian: and if we want different defaults in different browsers. Florian: We should be inspired by pattern of font variant Florian: and have a separate property for every one. Florian: So ink could have on/off/auto Florian: So if you change an edge one, it defaults and cascades properly. astearns: If we make all of this into longhands astearns: people using longhands will short-circuit new values. Florian: Just have the resets on the shorthands, for everything else go to longhands. astearns: Is the ink property the only one that is language dependent. fantasai: Edge is also language dependent. frenemy: In our implementations, we'll store each of these separately. astearns: It's harder to author, 'cause setting five different things. Florian: Most of the time you're thinking about one thing: <Florian> text-decoration-skip: none | auto <Florian> text-decoration-skip-objects: none | all <Florian> text-decoration-skip-spaces: none | [leading || trailing] | all <Florian> text-decoration-skip-ink: none | all | auto <Florian> text-decoration-skip-edges: none | all <Florian> text-decoration-skip-box-decoration: none | all koji: More comfortable not to have shorthand koji: unlikely to set all of them. astearns: Is there use case for reset for everything? fantasai: You'd need text-decoration-skip: none fantasai: There was a way to say "don't underline me". Florian: None is skip nothing, not everything. fantasai: Maybe that was dropped along the way. Florian: The way to skip is to use objects and turn to inline box. astearns: I like the proposal for separate properties. astearns: Does anyone object? Florian: The one I put on IRC has auto for ink-skipping. Florian: We haven't decided whether that should have an auto Florian: and the leading/trailing we've resolved to add to level 4. astearns: Any objection to the explosion of skipping properties? fantasai: I'm ok on principle RESOLVED: Add all of the skipping properties. <break duration="15minutes"> text-decoration-skip shorthand ------------------------------ Florian: What we agreed during the break is Florian: having in the shorthand having on/off flags based on presence of keywords is bad. astearns: Do we have a shorthand with longhand-on longhand off anywhere else in css? Florian: font-variant is not on/off but A/B Florian: we're not sure about none value in shorthand. Florian: Current version of expanded longhand is bad Florian: for level 3 have shorthand with just initial. fantasai: What about auto? Florian: We can't defer removing things. Florian: So shorthand just has initial reset, possibly named auto. fantasai: What's implementation status? (mostly not implemented, except for ink) astearns: You're proposing to take the whole feature to level 4? fantasai: Yes. fantasai: If we need that switch we can have that switch. fantasai: I'm saying remove all author control over ink skipping in level 3; leave it up to the UA explicitly. eae: I think there's value in giving authors control. Florian: I don't have strong opinion on level 3 vs 4. jensimmons: I don't have opinion on level. jensimmons: Authors want ways to control underlining; the sooner the better. jensimmons: As soon as people learn about this they're going to want this. jensimmons: They want skipping behavior. fantasai: Putting them together makes sense. myles: Web authors don't care about levels. fantasai: If we're redesigning the world, we should put this into a new level. fantasai: We need to figure out what we need and how to make it easy to use. fantasai: Thickness etc are in level 4 'cause they're new fantasai: and it will be a package. jensimmons: I agree it makes sense to ship as whole. dbaron: It feels like ink skipping the most popular thing in whole spec, based on 15 years of feedback. fantasai: There's an argument it should be on by default fantasai: so if we have on by default, we can push control to next level. Florian: There are i18n concerns. frenemy: Most of other properties I'm ok with another level, but want control for skipping. frenemy: ink skipping: yes or no should be in level 3. astearns: That would be a proposal to leave ink in current level, and move everything else + shorthand to next level. Florian: ok with me Florian: but want to move simplified shorthand to next level. Florian: In level 3, have text-decoration-skip-ink: yes/no/auto/, level 4 has longhands and other values. start with minimal. astearns: Is this ok, koji? koji: Yes. tantek: My concern is with sweet spot of what authors not. jensimmons: Skipping ink alone is good. RESOLVED: text-decoration-skip-ink in L3, other skipping controls in L4 <fantasai> Text Decoration 4: https://drafts.csswg.org/css-text-decor-4/ Skipping ink vs. underline position ----------------------------------- <fantasai> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2015Feb/0336.html fantasai: Should position of underline depend on what we're skipping? Florian: If you're skipping spaces, and you have a space in a different font, do you want to move the underline so you go under the big space. astearns: Let's have this as issue on level 4. fantasai: Yes. <tantek> yes.<div id="DAB4FAD8-2DD7-40BB-A1B8-4E2AA1F9FDF2"><br /> <table style="border-top: 1px solid #D3D4DE;"> <tr> <td style="width: 55px; padding-top: 13px;"><a href="https://www.avast.com/sig-email?utm_medium=email&utm_source=link&utm_campaign=sig-email&utm_content=webmail&utm_term=icon" target="_blank"><img src="https://ipmcdn.avast.com/images/icons/icon-envelope-tick-round-orange-animated-no-repeat-v1.gif" width="46" height="29" style="width: 46px; height: 29px;" /></a></td> <td style="width: 470px; padding-top: 12px; color: #41424e; font-size: 13px; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; line-height: 18px;">Virus-free. <a href="https://www.avast.com/sig-email?utm_medium=email&utm_source=link&utm_campaign=sig-email&utm_content=webmail&utm_term=link" target="_blank" style="color: #4453ea;">www.avast.com</a> </td> </tr> </table><a href="#DAB4FAD8-2DD7-40BB-A1B8-4E2AA1F9FDF2" width="1" height="1"></a></div>
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