Re: [css-text-decor] Proposal for the 'text-emphasis-position' property syntax values

On 02/03/2017 10:58 AM, Pierre-Anthony Lemieux wrote:
> Hi fantasai,
> Thanks for the feedback!
>> 'over' and 'under' also take into account the 'writing-mode', except they do so in a way that handles Mongolian better.
> Ok. I can file an issue against TTML2. Any additional detail on
> "handles Mongolian better"? [ed.: I am not a Mongolian expert]

The key thing to realize is that the "before" side and the "over" side do not coincide in Mongolian writing.

>> The case of "only two lines" isn't really a significant consideration in CSS-based documents. :)
> Unless the document to which CSS is applied is contains captions
> and/or subtitles, right? Wouldn't that be the case for WebVTT or TTML
> when rendered on the web platform?

If there's a demand for it on the CSS side, seems entirely reasonable to add it.
Haven't gotten any use-case-backed requests yet, though.


Received on Saturday, 4 February 2017 00:04:19 UTC