3 Charter docs for Monday
[DRAFT] Minutes from Teleconference 2003-07-14
action items done
AI-20030623-1 ("discretion")
AIs done
alternatives illustrated [was: Re: LC-67 leftover -- MUST use MUST]
Cc/pp S&V conformance section
chronology -- need feedback
chronology -- need feedback [corrected]
closing LC-110
closing LC-57
CP from TestGL to OpsGL
CP6.5 and promoting testing
CR plan & schedule
derived profiles - questions
DIFF tools for HTML
Draft minutes of QAWG Telcon Monday 28 July 2003
Final Minutes -Teleconference 2003-07-07
Final Minutes of QAWG Telcon Monday 09 June 2003
Final Minutes of QAWG Telcon Monday 23 June 2003
Fwd: Cc/pp S&V conformance section
Fwd: FYI: homepage for editors
Fwd: Re: Next Publication?
Fwd: Re: Virtual or real CR?
Fwd: Review of Test Guidelines
Fwd: Ungrouped issues -- a plan for Monday
LC-73.9 clarification
Minutes for 20030707 telecon
Monday (07 July) QAWG telecon agenda
Monday (07 July) QAWG telecon agenda [DRAFT]
Monday (14 July) QAWG telecon agenda
Monday (14 July) QAWG telecon agenda [DRAFT]
Monday (28 July) QAWG telecon agenda
Monday (28 July) QAWG telecon agenda [DRAFT]
monday's telecon
NIST hosting the October meeting
October QAWG f2f
OpsGL use cases (pls look for Monday)
Proposed text for SpecGL LC comments
RE : Cc/pp S&V conformance section
Regrets - Re: Monday (14 July) QAWG telecon agenda
Resolved-to-closed: OpsGL LC-43 (QAPD template)
Results of Teleconference (Was: TM licence matter)
revised CR schedule
SpecGL issue-group update (02-july)
SpecGL Use Cases
updated LC-issues list (02 July)
Use Cases revised
welcome new member!
Last message date: Thursday, 31 July 2003 17:05:09 UTC