Re: Monday (28 July) QAWG telecon agenda [DRAFT]

At 02:54 PM 7/18/2003 -0600, Lofton Henderson wrote:

>QAWG  --
>Unless you are an optional attendee, please respond with regrets.  (Also 
>see below about 4-aug telecon).
>Monday will be an optional telecon, UNLESS you are chair or OpsGL/SpecGL 
>(and ET) editor.  It will be a working/planning call for chairs and 
>editors, to firm up a realistic schedule for getting OpsGL and SpecGL to CR+.
>Goals.  Here are some things we need to nail...
>1.) Agree on a doable schedule;
>2.) Discuss how we will partition the DoC document(s) -- per-commenter, 
>per-spec?  or single large DoC on all issues and specs?  or other?
>3.) How and by whom to produce DoC documents(s).
>4.) Any stylesheet and/or XSLT transform needs;
>5.) What to do if a commentor objects to our DoC?
>6.) When to alert the Directors telecon people and try to schedule the CR 
>7.) Both together (OpsGL & SpecGL)?  Or, OpsGL+Intro first, and SpecGL 
>maybe 2-4 weeks later?
>8.) ...etc...
>About 4-aug telecon
>On the agenda for the *next* (4-august) telecon is a discussion of our new 
>activity statements and charters.  Current drafts are:
>>- activity statement renewal
>>- charter WG
>>- charter IG
>One issue/difficulty that came up in drafting these was:  what are our 
>Test Materials.  (We are required by OpsGL to document these in our charter.)

Sandra I. Martinez
National Institute of Standards and Technology
100 Bureau Drive, Stop 8970,
Gaithersburg, Md. 20899

(301) 975-3579

Received on Monday, 28 July 2003 08:36:43 UTC