Re: Monday (28 July) QAWG telecon agenda [DRAFT]


Lofton Henderson wrote:

> QAWG  --
> Unless you are an optional attendee, please respond with regrets.  
> (Also see below about 4-aug telecon).
> Monday will be an optional telecon, UNLESS you are chair or 
> OpsGL/SpecGL (and ET) editor.  It will be a working/planning call for 
> chairs and editors, to firm up a realistic schedule for getting OpsGL 
> and SpecGL to CR+.
> Goals.  Here are some things we need to nail...
> 1.) Agree on a doable schedule;
> 2.) Discuss how we will partition the DoC document(s) -- 
> per-commenter, per-spec?  or single large DoC on all issues and 
> specs?  or other?
> 3.) How and by whom to produce DoC documents(s).
> 4.) Any stylesheet and/or XSLT transform needs;
> 5.) What to do if a commentor objects to our DoC?
> 6.) When to alert the Directors telecon people and try to schedule the 
> CR telecon(s).
> 7.) Both together (OpsGL & SpecGL)?  Or, OpsGL+Intro first, and SpecGL 
> maybe 2-4 weeks later?
> 8.) ...etc...
> Others?
> About 4-aug telecon
> =====
> On the agenda for the *next* (4-august) telecon is a discussion of our 
> new activity statements and charters.  Current drafts are:
>> - activity statement renewal
>> _
>> - charter WG
>> _
>> - charter IG
>> _
> One issue/difficulty that came up in drafting these was:  what are our 
> Test Materials.  (We are required by OpsGL to document these in our 
> charter.)
> Regards,
> -Lofton.

Received on Monday, 21 July 2003 10:23:00 UTC