www-jigsaw@w3.org from November to December 1997 by subject

[Q] name specified in class

[www-jigsaw] <none>

[www-jigsaw] remove

A cheeseburger...

AD: * * * E-Mail Special * * *

Adding a properties form for a subclass of PropRequestFilter

Advertisement: Website Hosting

Autostart in Linux (S.U.S.E)

Can't Find Yourself In The Search Engines? We Can Help!

can't run jigadm

can't start server

CGI e-mail scripts


Custom Indexer Problems

Digging through ssi package

Error in SSIStream?

Extensions again

Go, go, go, go...

Guaranteed Search Engine Top 20 Ranking!


HTML Parsing

HttpManager & HttpRequests

Implementing Server Push

Income Opportunities


java.lang.NoSuchMethodError ??


JigAdmin exception with MS Beta SDK

Jigsaw 1b1 hang up after 4 hours

Jigsaw and Servlets!

Jigsaw removes Resource!

Jigsaw/Beta 1.0. Problems in Restarting, tracing, and some links...

Jigsaw[1.0beta1] & hp_ux java 1.1 & Etag bug

Let Us Do Your Bulk Email Advertising!!!!

multiple copies of a browser


Path for external functions / DLL's in CGI

Persistant DB Connections

PICS labels

plan for the next release

Please remove me

please remove my name from list

Poison in food we all eat (e.g., fruit, meat, cheese)

PropRequestFilter help

PropRequestFilter help -- setting up a proxy / more filter questions


Reply.getContentLength() is -1 (meaning no value)

Request/Reply Date

RMI and Jigsaw

root resource

Saving an attribute and removing a file

Searching an improved CommonLogger


size of downloaded resource

Some Problems!




spam?? You bet !

spam??? spam!!!

SSI Command Registry

SSI Registry

start/stop of download

Thread overloading

What is the problem?

¦^ĀŠ : remove

Last message date: Sunday, 28 December 1997 18:59:48 UTC