I'm having a terrible problem with running out of client threads, even
after all HTTP connections have been closed by any browsers. I
previously sent the two attached messages but have received no response.
I could really use some help, please.
Thanks in advace.
Forwarded message 1
I also have a problem with refused connections due to thread overloading. In
my case the server regularly grinds to a halt whereby it never accepts any
more connections and all I can do is kill it and restart it.
When I last described this problem the answer from the Jigsaw folks was that
there was a problemin the alpha-5 Jigsaw that they knew about that might cause
this problem and that that problem was fixed in beta-1. Unfortunately it
doesn't seem to have fixed this problem. Can anybody help me? What would make
Jigsaw connection threads stick around forever?
Thanks in advance.
Wolfgang Platzer wrote:
> 2) The errlog also contains a lot of messages like:
> [http-server] kopernikus.iaik.tu-graz.ac.at/ refused
> (overloaded).
> But when I point my browser to
> http://host/Admin/Statistics I always get:
> Thread counts:
> free -1
> idle -1
> total -1
> Current load:-1
> and http://host/Admin/Threads results in:
> socket-clients:1D R
> socket-clients:2D R
> socket-clients:3D R
> socket-clients:4D R
> socket-clients:5D R
> socket-clients:6D R
> socket-clients:8D R
> socket-clients:9D R
> socket-clients:11D R
> socket-clients:12D R
> socket-clients:13D R
> socket-clients:14D R
> socket-clients:15D R
> socket-clients:16D R
> socket-clients:17D R
> socket-clients:18D R
> socket-clients:19D R
> socket-clients:20D R
> socket-clients:21D R
> socket-clients:22D R
> How can I see how many socket clients are in use at this time and how many
> socket clients are free and wait for a new connection?
> Wolfgang Platzer
> --
> Dipl.-Ing. Wolfgang Platzer
> Technische Universitaet Graz - University of Technology Graz
> Institut für Angewandte Informationsverarbeitung
> und Kommunikationstechnologien
> Klosterwiesgasse 32/I, A-8010 Graz,
> Tel: ++43 316 873-5527,Fax: ++43 316 873-5520
> URL <http://www.iaik.tu-graz.ac.at/index.html>