can't start server

Hi, when i try and start Jigsaw i get the following problem:
C:\Apps\Jigsaw>java w3c.jigsaw.http.httpd -root
Symantec Java! JustInTime Compiler Version 210.063 for JDK 1.1.3
Copyright (C) 1996-97 Symantec Corporation

Can't find class w3c/jigsaw/http/httpd

It must be something obvious but everything seems correct. Any

Here are the vitals:

I downloaded the 1.1a beta to my NT 4.0 machine. The
java i'm usinging is:
   Symantec Java! JustInTime Compiler Version 210.063 for JDK 1.1.3
   Copyright (C) 1996-97 Symantec Corporation

Jigsaw was installed unbder C:\Apps:
 Directory of C:\Apps\Jigsaw
11/03/97  12:12p        <DIR>          .
11/03/97  12:12p        <DIR>          ..
07/31/97  11:38a                   842 ANNOUNCE
11/03/97  11:14a        <DIR>          classes
11/03/97  12:12p        <DIR>          Jigsaw
               5 File(s)            842 bytes

I edited my system class path to be:


I have no interest in any ship that does not sail fast, for I 
plan to go in harm's way. -- J.P. Jones

Received on Tuesday, 4 November 1997 12:12:31 UTC