www-forms@w3.org from May 2006 by subject

"The power of declarative thinking" - another XTech talk

"What XForms does (and what it doesn't do)" on TheServerSide

@value on value element?

Actions changing the XPath context

Adding to a Repeat

An Ajax library, using XForms concepts [was RE: Deploying (accessible) XForms today?]

Because type is for datatype, there should not be a problem for XForms Basic

binds using index()?

Declarative and imperative programming [was RE: Deploying (accessible) XForms today?]

Deferred action behaviour

Deploying (accessible) XForms today?

hiding controls

id function

Is XForms data binding a sort of prior art?

multimodal labels and trees too far away for XForms? [was: Re: Deploying (accessible) XForms today?]

On running a pre-processor [RE: XForms timer]

Problems with Windows updates

Question about errata 2.3 E70a

Questions about generating new ids on insert

Repeat styling problem

Some test cases for the type MIP

Sorting the exforms way

Support for AVTs in XForms? [WAS: Dynamic @action attribute on xforms:submission]


Two schema validation modes?

Why is submission with method of urlencoded-post deprecated?

Why no id attribute in common attributes?

XForms Basic and Schema Validation

XForms doubt

XForms support for XML schema xsd:choice

XForms timer

XForms Tip - Confirmation with XForms

XForms Tip - Displaying a list of countries

XForms Tip: Enabling and Disabling Your "Save" button

xforms-model-construct, using events?

xsd:duration datatype validation

XTech proceedings: XForms + Ajax, XForms + XBL

Last message date: Wednesday, 31 May 2006 22:20:40 UTC