Re: Questions about generating new ids on insert

On 5/31/06, David Landwehr <> wrote:
> I have read the text as you generate a unique ID when the node you are
> cloning has the type xsd:ID, e.g. that this is part of the cloning
> process and that it is the source element's type that determines if the
> content should get a new unique ID. This will also solve the problem
> when the author immediately after insert changes the ID (in deferred the
> node will not even generate xforms-valid and xforms-invalid).
> That this is done in the process of cloning is written in the
> specification:
> "The new node is created by cloning the final member of the homogeneous
> collection. In this process, nodes of type |xsd:ID| are modified to
> remain as unique values in the instance data."

Ok, I've aparently kept refusing to see "In this process" as the
cloning. That is possibly what is meant. Doing it as part of the
cloning solves the deferred part. And looking at the source node type
is also ok I guess. I just have to twist my mind in that direction
first :-)

That said, I've kept reading the first couple of lines as an
"introduction" to the entire _insert process_, and had not tied the
modification solely to the cloning.

... Allan

Received on Wednesday, 31 May 2006 16:02:44 UTC