Repeat styling problem


Can anyone tell me how to achieve the following:

I have an XML instance like this:

	<pattern name="fred">
	<pattern name="bob">....</pattern>.

At any one time zero or more assert elements are relevant.

I have used repeats in the following way:

<repeat nodeset="pattern">
	<group ref=".">
		<label><output value="@name"/></label>
		<repeat nodeset="rule/assert"/>

So I get a list of all the patterns, with each pattern followed by a  
list of its currently relevant assert elements.

When there are no relevant assert elements for a pattern I want to  
hide the label for the group bound to that pattern. I can't work out  
how to achieve that. I am hoping that I have overlooked some obvious  
solution, and that someone will be kind enough to point it out to me.

All the best


Received on Thursday, 4 May 2006 20:20:40 UTC