w3c-wai-eo@w3.org from July to September 2003 by subject


29 August 2003 Teleconference outreach & Regrets for Dublin

Alternate format for long docs.


Apologies for off-list posting Re: Regrets...

conformance model redux

digital divide

DRAFT 2: EOWG comments on WCAG 2.0 24 June 2003 Working Draft

DRAFT!! EOWG comments on WCAG 2.0 24 June 2003 WD

DRM connections?

EOWG Agenda for 15 August 2003

EOWG Agenda for 22 August 2003

EOWG Agenda for 8 August 2003

EOWG discussion questions for WCAG 2.0 Working Draft

EOWG new member

EOWG: 11 July 2003 teleconference - outreach update

EOWG: Agenda for 1 August 2003 Teleconference

EOWG: Agenda for 25 July 2003 teleconference

EOWG: Agenda for 26 September 2003 - Outreach updates

EOWG: Agenda for 26 September 2003 Teleconference

EOWG: Agenda, 12 September 2003 potential regrets

EOWG: Agenda, 12 September 2003 Teleconference

EOWG: Agenda, 19 September 2003

EOWG: Agenda, 29 August 2003 Teleconference

EOWG: Preliminary Agenda for 11 July 2003 teleconference

EOWG: Reminder NO teleconference Friday 18 July 2003

EOWG: Updated Agenda for 19 September 2003 Teleconference

example of contents lists and RE: Alternate format for long docs.

fw 這可能是你期待已久的機會喔∼ 4VlSh0ZWCM1itYL19SHZZ1aHeG

Fwd: Call for Review: Working Draft of Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0

Fwd: EOWG discussion questions for WCAG 2.0 Working Draft

Fwd: FW: EOWG: Revised Agenda for 25 July 2003 teleconference

Fwd: messages on EO Mailing list

Fwd: Registration open for WAI meetings in Dublin 3-5 September 2003

I'll be a few minutes late this morning

Judy is contact for events next week

link for teleconference discussion

Missing the Teleconference

our phones are down

outreach update - August 8

Outreach update and Regrets

Outreach Update: Fwd: XML Authoring/Editing Forum Agenda Finalized

Outreach updates - 12 september

Outreach: Project EASI telecon Sep 25

Possibile regrets

Possibile regrets - me too

Preliminary Proposed Agenda, Dublin, 3-5 September 2003

Presentation: Infusing Web Accessibility into an Organizational Environment



Regrets for 10/17 Conf. Call

Regrets for 12 sept meeting

Regrets for Aug 8

Regrets for August 29 teleconference, and Dublin

regrets for California meeting

Regrets for conference call 11/7 and face-to-face San Francisco

Regrets for Dublin

Regrets for next 2 meetings

Regrets for next two weeks...

Regrets for today's meeting

Regrets for today's teleconference

regrets for tomorrow's meeting

Regrets(likely) due to Isabelle 19 September 2003


REMINDER: No EOWG teleconference this Friday 4 July 2003

test - can ignore this message

Test: please ignore

Thank you!

The "E" in E&O

Transform 2004: Assistive Technology and Inclusion: 10th July UMIST Manchester UK

Ultimate tersification, please!

updated minute template

Updated overview page for business case

Updated version of social factors page

User testing of website

Very late regrets

Very late regrets!

WAI EDITS: Presenting the Case for Web Accessibility: Social Factors

WAI usability testing

WCAG 2 draft:Conformance model

WCAG 2 requirements doc

WCAG 2.0 draft

WCAG 2.0 Draft Comments

WCAG 2.0- some comments

WCAG 2.0: Q4 and Q5

WCAG 2.0: Transition

WCAG 2: Background and Abstract

WCAG2.0 questions: the conformance model

Web Accessibility Training & Exchange, and WAI Education & Outreach meetings, July 2003

Web Standards

website about: making information easier for people with learning difficulties.

Wicked screensaver

Your application

Last message date: Friday, 26 September 2003 22:57:40 UTC