WAI usability testing


Suggestions/comments re selection of users
* no non-users; all with 'some' web experience.
* some people with disabilities (doesn't matter about assistive technology
- just that they are good with it, likewise we probably need users familiar
with the web in general, not newbies)

a) some people with disabilities
b) developers looking for accessibility support and techniques
c) policy/marketing folk looking for information (eg. what is accessibility
and how can we convince our organisation)
d) lecturer/trainer looking for student material for IT students
e) government policy people
f) that's probably enough if we are only recruiting 8

Also - users need to be aware of accessibility and familiar with the web.
Maybe need to have heard of web accessibility. At this stage, some (albeit
small) knowledge of W3C/WAI may be desirable.

NB Let the professionals do their stuff - ignore the input from us
non-usability testing experts when appropriate

Dr Andrew Arch
Manager Online Accessibility Consulting, National Information and Library
Ph 613 9864 9222; Fax 613 9864 9210; Mobile 0438 755 565
http://www.visionaustralia.org.au/webaccessibility |
http://www.it-test.com.au/ | http://www.dc-anz.org/

Member, Education & Outreach Working Group,
W3C Web Accessibility Initiative

Received on Friday, 11 July 2003 10:22:00 UTC