WAI EDITS: Presenting the Case for Web Accessibility: Social Factors

I said I had completed the "Employee" section.  However, this is 
actually for the " Older People" section:

Increasingly, older people use the Web. In some countries, they are 
the fastest growing group of new users [source?]. People often 
experience changes in vision, hearing, dexterity, or memory as they 
age. Though they may not consider themselves disabled because of 
these changes, the older users [may] also benefit from web pages 
developed using the in the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0.



MSU: Advancing Knowledge. Transforming Lives.

Libraries, Computing & Technology: Connecting People and Information

Have a Productive Day!

Charmane K. Corcoran
Information & Project Principal
Michigan State University
Client Advocacy Office
316A Computer Center
East Lansing MI 48824

E-mail:	corcora1@msu.edu
Phone:	Dept. Office - 517/353-4856
	Direct/Vmail - 517/355-4500 Ext. 244
FAX: 	Office: 517/355-0141

HmPg:	http://www.msu.edu/~corcora1/

Received on Thursday, 17 July 2003 02:06:11 UTC