EOWG: Agenda for 26 September 2003 Teleconference


An agenda for our 26 September 2003 teleconference follows.

Time:           :30am - 10:30am US Eastern Time
Bridge: +1.617.761.6200
                 conference code EOWG# (3694#)


1. Outreach updates (brief)
          - please send to EOWG mailing list in advance when possible

2. EOWG Charter renewal (brief)
          - review more updates related to new W3C Process Document
           (updated draft charter will be available before meeting)

3. WAI Site Task Force of EOWG, for Web site redesign (brief)
          - update on task force formation
          - and FYI on revised task force statement:

4. Face-to-face meeting planning
         - discuss options for meeting in first quarter 2004, including:
         * Madrid, best practices evaluation exchange in January 2004?
         * W3C Technical Plenary, early march, in France?
         * CSUN, no EOWG meeting following, but WAI IG?
         * (intial ideas for later in 2004 -- north america? asia?)

5. Presenting the Case for Web Accessibility
          - discuss terms (wording) for updated Economic Factors page (see 
         (updated draft will be available before the meeting)

Specific questions for discussion of Economic Factors page of Business Case:

--- Is "Economic Factors" the appropriate term for the business case
audience? Economic is at a higher level, rather than at a specific
organization level. Organizational departments are called "finance" and
"accounting." Within a specific project these issues are called "costs"
or "resources." Would a more appropriate title for this section be
"Financial Factors" or "Cost Factors" or "Investment Factors"?

--- Are the following terms appropriate across different cultures and
----- "human resource costs" (as in: "The following are common human
resource-related costs associated with an initial investment in
accessibility: Providing training and skills development...")
----- "capital expenses" (as in: "Potential initial capital expenses
include: Accessibility evaluation tools... Assistive technologies...")
----- "retrofit" (as in: "When retrofitting an existing site, assessment
of existing Web site accessibility is a common initial cost...")

Reminder: IRC (Internet Relay Chat) Channel
          - used only to accompany, not replace, EOWG teleconference
          - channel: #eo
          - server: irc.w3.org
          - port: 6665


Shawn & Judy

Judy Brewer    +1.617.258.9741    http://www.w3.org/WAI
Director, Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI), World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
MIT/LCS Room NE43-355, 200 Technology Square, Cambridge, MA,  02139,  USA

Received on Thursday, 25 September 2003 14:58:41 UTC