from November 2006 by subject

a relevant draft within the IETF

Action 22: Voice Browser Use Case...

Action Item 18 - understand/visualize the strength of SSL

action item closure protocol

Action items

Action Items - check your due dates

ACTION-13: Elaborate on multiple certificates & domains for session servers case


ACTION-4 contact/capture use case

ACTION-9 (misuse/misappropriation of padlock icon)

ACTION6: URL display as anti-pattern

Agenda, 21 Nov 2006, WSC Call

answer for ACTION-19 in the wiki

Artifacts and clutter (was: "Greetings")

control, data, users

First face-to-face meeting: Summary page

FYI, editor's draft skeleton

HCI experience for this work

Hello world


Introduction - Maritza Johnson

Introduction - Yakov

ISSUE-2: test again, please ignore

ISSUE-3: Can XQuery/XPath contribute to attack vectors?

ISSUE-4: How applicable is baseline information to content retrieved by FTP?

January F2F Logistics

Lists we did in our f2f

Maintaining and monitoring context

Minutes: WSC WG face-to-face 2006-11-14/15

Opera's three security levels

Opera's three security levels ACTION-23

Reminder, Introduce Yourself

Thoughts on trust ownership...

Update on ACTION-24: set up wiki

W3C related talks page

Web Security Context (WSC) WG Face-to-face #1 Agenda (v 1.0)

What problems are we trying to solve?

Wiki available

wiki cluelessness

XPath/XQuery and all that

XPath/XQuery and all that - ACTION-3

Last message date: Thursday, 30 November 2006 20:46:54 UTC