Re: control, data, users

On 2006-11-01 14:37:20 -0500, Mike Beltzner wrote:

> In addition, I think we should look at building up some
> repositories of user profiles and tasks so that we can start from
> a foundation of understanding who we're designing for (what
> terminology do they understand? what real-world parallels might
> they be able to relate back to?) and what it is that they're
> trying to do (shop? bank?  subscribe to a newsletter?)

That kind of repository would be useful input into one of our
deliverables -- the Note in which we'll describe what scenarios we
want to attack, and which ones we might want to rule out of scope by
making assumptions.

Thomas Roessler, W3C  <>

Received on Friday, 3 November 2006 15:18:32 UTC