6463-8031-7728 proposal
6463-8301-7728 proposal
7728 new draft
8183 updates
8283 discussion
8284: concrete proposal
[Bug 7791] New: Consistent Policy applied to a set of resources
[Bug 8165] Eventing: uniqueness of subscriptions
[Bug 8176] New: Eventing: MAY vs MUST on UnkownSubscription fault
[Bug 8180] New: Transfer: can a resource represenation be empty?
[Bug 8181] New: desription of fragment put is confusing
[Bug 8182] New: unclear if/when result of a fragment Put is XSD validated
[Bug 8183] Transfer: be clear on fault for bad representation
[Bug 8185] New: fragment Put @Mode="Insert" underspecified
[Bug 8193] Fragment: Replace mode could be clearer
[Bug 8205] New: MEX: can mex appear more than once in an EPR
[Bug 8281] New: wse:RetryAfter extension semantics
[Bug 8286] New: description of Subscription End ambiguous
- Doug Davis (Tuesday, 19 January)
- Ram Jeyaraman (Tuesday, 19 January)
- Ram Jeyaraman (Monday, 18 January)
- Doug Davis (Friday, 15 January)
- Gilbert Pilz (Friday, 15 January)
- Doug Davis (Friday, 15 January)
- Gilbert Pilz (Thursday, 14 January)
- Ram Jeyaraman (Thursday, 14 January)
- Doug Davis (Tuesday, 12 January)
- Gilbert Pilz (Tuesday, 12 January)
- Gilbert Pilz (Tuesday, 12 January)
- Ram Jeyaraman (Tuesday, 12 January)
- Doug Davis (Tuesday, 12 January)
- Li, Li (Li) (Tuesday, 12 January)
- Ram Jeyaraman (Saturday, 9 January)
- Doug Davis (Friday, 8 January)
- Doug Davis (Friday, 8 January)
- Doug Davis (Friday, 8 January)
- Ram Jeyaraman (Friday, 8 January)
- Doug Davis (Friday, 8 January)
- Ram Jeyaraman (Friday, 8 January)
- Doug Davis (Wednesday, 6 January)
- Gilbert Pilz (Tuesday, 5 January)
- Doug Davis (Sunday, 3 January)
- Ram Jeyaraman (Sunday, 3 January)
[Bug 8290] New: "Requirements" section confusing and unnecessary
[Bug 8295] New: Dialect IRI's versus "selector IRI's
[Bug 8296] New: services can't know what metadata a consumer might need
[Bug 8301] New: generating the PutDenied fault
[Bug 8302] New: descriptions of PutResponse and CreateResponse contain unclear sections
[Bug 8306] New: description of Pull contains unclear sections
[ws-dd] Re: WS-DD comments on WS-Eventing WD-ws-eventing-20090924
Agenda 2010-01-19
Agenda 2010-01-28
Agenda WS-RA F2F 2010-01-26/28
Agenda WS-RA f2f 2010-01-27/28
Agenda, WS-RA 2010-01-12
AI 129 - concrete proposal for issue 8292 (fwd)
AI 131 - BP requirements that apply to WS-RA's reference to WSDL 1.1
Bug 6463: Attaching Policy to WS-Mex GetMetadata - Marked up proposal
combined issues 8180, 8299, and 8302 v2
combined proposal for issues 8180, 8299, and 8302
combined proposal for issues 8180, 8299, and 8302 (fwd)
comments on ws-eventing/ws-enum state tables
draft minutes from 2010-01-26 have been posted
draft minutes of 2010-01-05 have been posted
Hosting face-to-face meeting (March 30 - April 1, 2010)
issue 6435: v7 of the WS-Eventing state tables
- Li, Li (Li) (Thursday, 28 January)
- Gilbert Pilz (Wednesday, 27 January)
- Li, Li (Li) (Wednesday, 27 January)
- Gilbert Pilz (Wednesday, 27 January)
- Li, Li (Li) (Tuesday, 26 January)
- Doug Davis (Tuesday, 26 January)
- Doug Davis (Tuesday, 26 January)
- Gilbert Pilz (Tuesday, 26 January)
- Doug Davis (Monday, 25 January)
- Gilbert Pilz (Friday, 22 January)
issue 6435: version 6 of WS-Eventing state tables
issue 6436: v3 of the WS-Enumeration state tables
issue 6436: version 4 of WS-Enumeration state tables
issue 7728: proposal 6
issue 7774 proposal
issue 8068 proposal
Issue 8176: proposal
Issue 8191
issue 8196
issue 8196: proposal 1
issue 8257
issue 8271: proposal 1
issue 8290: 2 proposals
issue 8294: proposal 1
issue 8302: modifications to Ram's proposal
Issue 8303
Issues 6425 and 6436 State Tables comments
Issues for face-to-face meeting
Issues status for Jan 12, 2010 meeting
Issues status for Jan 19, 2010 meeting
Issues status for today's WG meeting
Last Reminder
Minutes of 2009-12-15 have been posted
Minutes of 2010-01-12 have been posted at
Next steps for XPath profiles in conjunction with XML Security WG?
proposal for 7986
proposal for 8191
Proposal to confirm last call status of the following issues
refactor meta-data sections
Rough minutes from 2010-01-27 have been posted
Syntax proposal for Issue 7728
transfer typo?
Last message date: Friday, 29 January 2010 00:13:33 UTC