Prefer proposal 2.
From: [] On Behalf Of Gilbert Pilz
Sent: Monday, January 25, 2010 8:51 PM
Subject: issue 8290: 2 proposals
Proposal 1: remove section 2.1
Proposal 2: modify section 2.1 as follows
2.1 Requirements
This specification intends to meet the following requirements:
* Define an encapsulation format for metadata.
* Treat the metadata about a Web service endpoint as [WS-Transfer] resources.
* Define an OPTIONAL bootstrap mechanism for retrieving metadata-driven [XMLSchema - Part 1], [WSDL11], [WS-Policy] message exchange.
* Support future versions of known metadata formats.
* Allow new metadata formats to be added.
* Leverage other Web service specifications for secure, reliable, transacted message delivery.
* Support both [SOAP11] and [SOAP12] Envelopes.
* Enable description in [WSDL11] of the OPTIONAL request-response interaction.
- gp