from January 2010 by subject

[whatwg] <figure><img><* caption>

[whatwg] <keygen> tag

[whatwg] <object> behavior

[whatwg] <video> abort and error should bubble for simplicity

[whatwg] [foaf-protocols] keygen substitute for Windows?

[whatwg] [html5] r4483 - [giow] (0) Clarify that <br> doesn't stop bidi processing. Fixing http://www.w3. [...]

[whatwg] [html5] r4627 - [e] (0) some editorial improvements to 'the indicated part...'

[whatwg] [hybi] US-ASCII vs. ASCII in Web Socket Protocol

[whatwg] [Input type=submit] "Disable" after submitting

[whatwg] about:blank synchronicity

[whatwg] api for fullscreen()

[whatwg] api for fullscreen() - security issues

[whatwg] Appcache feedback

[whatwg] Authoring feedback on <datalist>

[whatwg] bidi embedding for block-level elements

[whatwg] Comment about "6.11.8 Navigating to a fragment identifier"

[whatwg] Comments on @sandbox

[whatwg] dataTransfer on drag events

[whatwg] Drag-and-drop feedback

[whatwg] event.dataTransfer formats

[whatwg] File API - does Blob 'track' the changes in the underlying file on the disk?

[whatwg] Fixing the submit event by exposing submitter and data set

[whatwg] fyi: Flash in JavaScript and SVG

[whatwg] History API, pushState(), and related feedback

[whatwg] history.back()

[whatwg] How do sandboxed iframes interact with localStorage / sessionStorage / databases / etc?

[whatwg] HTML5 and different versions of the document

[whatwg] HTML5 cut/copy

[whatwg] HTMLCanvasElement.toFile()

[whatwg] HTMLInputElement::valueAsNumber and NaN Infinity

[whatwg] HttpOnly cookie for WebSocket?

[whatwg] img copyright attribute

[whatwg] Inconsistent behavior for empty-string URLs

[whatwg] Microdata feedback

[whatwg] Output of web applications

[whatwg] Proposal for <iframe sandbox> related change to HTML5 section 4.8.3

[whatwg] Question about header and footer

[whatwg] Question about pushState

[whatwg] Question about the application/x-www-form-urlencoded encoding algorithm

[whatwg] question about the popstate event

[whatwg] Removing the FN magic in the vCard microdata vocabulary (Was: Microdata feedback)

[whatwg] script async and defer attributes questions and confusion

[whatwg] skipping timeupdate (was: Re: [html5] r4621 - [e] (0) Clarify when the drag-and-drop steps run.)

[whatwg] some thoughts on sandboxed IFRAMEs

[whatwg] Switching to an unversioned development model

[whatwg] the cite element

[whatwg] The examples of the list attribute of the input element is incorrect

[whatwg] US-ASCII vs. ASCII in Web Socket Protocol

[whatwg] using postMessage() to send to a newly-created window

[whatwg] valueAsNumber: float is not enough

[whatwg] Web-sockets + Web-workers to produce a P2P website or application

[whatwg] window.print() when printing is not supported

Last message date: Sunday, 31 January 2010 22:55:30 UTC