from March 2015 by subject

Access to localhost to be outlawed?

Android Pay Is Real, And Will Give Developers The Reins As An API

Correspondent banking

Egypt joins Nigeria in using association branded national ID card

Executive Summary of Web Payments work

Fraud will find a way

Fwd: IBM: Reuters: IBM working on payment system featuring Bitcoin's core technology

IBM: Reuters: IBM working on payment system featuring Bitcoin's core technology



Moderation request

OpenBazaar: Decentralized markets for online trade

Provisioning of Payment Credentials

Signing HTTP Messages have 404 link

Square's new payee identifier: cashtags

TAG-Organized Unconference in San Francisco on 20 April: Extensible Web Summit

w3c payment processors

Wallets and Authentication using Phone-based OOB-schemes

Last message date: Saturday, 28 March 2015 16:32:25 UTC