from January 2013 by thread

Searching for LOV responsibles : the Drake equation Bernard Vatant (Thursday, 31 January)

webschema-ISSUE-20 (multiple types in site): documentation should show multiple inheritance chains [Feedback on] Web Schemas TF Issue Tracker (Sunday, 27 January) documentation should show multiple inheritance chains when multiple parents for type Jason Ronallo (Saturday, 26 January)

Proposal for new extension: Charts Raza Zaidi (Friday, 25 January)

Does Schema strips nested tags within the 'itemprop="name"' element? Carey Lew (Thursday, 24 January)

CFP - 1st International Workshop on Semantics for Biodiversity (S4BioDiv'13) @ ESWC, Montpellier, May 2013 Clement Jonquet (Tuesday, 22 January)

Consumption of health/medical annotated content? Samuel Croset (Friday, 18 January)

SePublica Semantic Publishing Workshop@ESWC (Montpellier 26-30 May); deadline 4 March Christoph LANGE (Friday, 18 January)

Problems with schema:openingHours as owl:objectProperty Adrian Pohl (Thursday, 17 January)

webschema-ISSUE-19 (GeoShape is messy): Various problems with the detail of polygon notation Web Schemas TF Issue Tracker (Wednesday, 16 January)

Proposal: accept Comment item type for CreativeWork/comment George Gooding (Tuesday, 15 January)

WebSchemas, and W3C Dan Brickley (Sunday, 13 January)

Deadline Extension (28 Jan): Enabling Domain Experts to use Formalised Reasoning, Stage 2 (AISB 2013, Exeter, UK, 2-5 Apr 2013) Christoph LANGE (Friday, 11 January)

Schema workshop 101 David F. Flanders (Wednesday, 9 January)

CFP: Data In Web Search (DISH) Workshop - 13th May 2013, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Dan Brickley (Wednesday, 9 January)

Should we adopt SKOS? Richard Wallis (Wednesday, 9 January)

Modeling fictional characters in movies and TV Gregg Kellogg (Tuesday, 8 January)

Person Type & Affiliated Account for Web Service Alex Milowski (Tuesday, 8 January) speaker for panel in Melbourne David F. Flanders (Tuesday, 8 January)

Proposal for new mark-up: Vacation Rentals Καραγιαννίδης Γιάννης (Monday, 7 January)

RE: vocab idea: SatiricalArticle Evain, Jean-Pierre (Friday, 4 January)

2nd CfP (deadline 14 Jan): Enabling Domain Experts to use Formalised Reasoning, Stage 2 (AISB 2013, Exeter, UK, 2-3 Apr 2013) Christoph LANGE (Thursday, 3 January)

Re: For review: John Breslin (Thursday, 3 January)

Re: weekend reading: Actions/Activities; Audience draft, and Class/Property. Dietrich Schulten (Thursday, 3 January)

Re: weekend reading: Actions/Activities, Audience draft, and Class ds (Tuesday, 1 January)

Last message date: Thursday, 31 January 2013 14:38:21 UTC