Re: Proposal for new mark-up: Vacation Rentals

On 8 January 2013 10:45, Καραγιαννίδης Γιάννης <> wrote:
> Hi Martin,
> We could make use of GoodRelations but I think that it's quite generic and
> not quite relevant with the vacation rental industry. My incentives to
> create a separate schema mark-up are mainly the property types (cottage,
> villa, farmhouse etc) and the amenities that differ many times from hotels.
> Do you think that GoodRelations is more suitable for this industry than a
> dedicated schema mark-up for vacation rentals?

Could you give some specific markup examples? As always these things
are a balancing act. We want simple, intuitive markup; but we also
want to scale by having common structures across different domains and
industries. And all topics overlap: we wouldn't want one structure for
'vacation rentals', and an entirely different one for 'non-vacation
rentals', for example. Real estate in general crops up here
periodically too, and the generic geo-areas of also have
potential for improvement. Examples really help ground these
discussions, particularly when they're drawn from real-world sites and
actual HTML...



Received on Tuesday, 8 January 2013 11:30:33 UTC