Fwd: Review of RDF vocabs: DDI-RDF Discovery (Disco), Physical Data Description (PHDD), and Extended Knowledge Organization System (XKOS)
[bioportal-announce] 1st European Ontology Network Workshop: call for abstracts
Call for Participation: FOIS 2014 in Rio de Janeiro
[CfP] Call for Participation: ORE 2014, the 3rd OWL Reasoner Evaluation Workshop (with VSL 2014)
Canceled Event: [LLD] Reminder: Dataset Description telco @ Mon 2014-05-26 11:00 - 12:00 (HCLS)
Last Call for Applications: The 10th Reasoning Web Summer School (RW 2014)
openHPI course "Knowledge Engineering with Semantic Web Technologies" starts on May, 26 2014
CfP: 11th OTM Academy (a tutored workshop for PhD students)
ESWC 2014 Call for Participation
Call for papers - First International Workshop on Drug Interaction Knowledge Representation (DIKR-2014)
FW: [ontology-summit] Ontology Summit 2014: Communique Endorsement
CFP: 10th Int. WS on Scalable SW Knowledge Bases (SSWS 2014)
Canceled Event: [LLD] Reminder: Dataset Description telco @ Mon 2014-05-19 11:00 - 12:00 (HCLS)
CfP - 3rd International Workshop on Ordering and Reasoning - Riva del Garda, Italy, 19-20 October
8th Int'l Workshop on Modular Ontologies (WoMO 2014) - Submission Deadline Extended to May 27
[ANNOUNCE] Apache Any23 1.0 Release
Call for papers - Second International Workshop on Definitions in Ontologies (DO 2014)
IAOA Interdisciplinary Summer School in Vitoria, Brazil, September 15 - 19
1st CFP: ISWC'14 workshop on Ontology Matching (OM-2014)
Re: [EXTERNAL] Propose an HL7 work group on RDF for Semantic Interoperability?
[PhD studentship] Knowledge Capturing and Exploitation in Social Big Data
[PhD studentship] Ontology Reasoning with Texts
PhD studentship: Ontology Reasoning with Texts
Summer School - Web Science and the Mind - Early Bird Registration Deadline Extended
Propose an HL7 work group on RDF for Semantic Interoperability?
- Re: Propose an HL7 work group on RDF for Semantic Interoperability?
- RE: Propose an HL7 work group on RDF for Semantic Interoperability?
- Re: Propose an HL7 work group on RDF for Semantic Interoperability?
- Re: Propose an HL7 work group on RDF for Semantic Interoperability?
- RE: Propose an HL7 work group on RDF for Semantic Interoperability?
- RE: Propose an HL7 work group on RDF for Semantic Interoperability?
- RE: Propose an HL7 work group on RDF for Semantic Interoperability?
- RE: Propose an HL7 work group on RDF for Semantic Interoperability?
- RE: Propose an HL7 work group on RDF for Semantic Interoperability?
- Re: Propose an HL7 work group on RDF for Semantic Interoperability?
- RE: Propose an HL7 work group on RDF for Semantic Interoperability?
- Re: Propose an HL7 work group on RDF for Semantic Interoperability?
- Re: Propose an HL7 work group on RDF for Semantic Interoperability?
- Re: Propose an HL7 work group on RDF for Semantic Interoperability?
- Re: Propose an HL7 work group on RDF for Semantic Interoperability?
- RE: Propose an HL7 work group on RDF for Semantic Interoperability?
- RE: Propose an HL7 work group on RDF for Semantic Interoperability?
- RE: Propose an HL7 work group on RDF for Semantic Interoperability?
- Re: Propose an HL7 work group on RDF for Semantic Interoperability?
- Re: Propose an HL7 work group on RDF for Semantic Interoperability?
- RE: Propose an HL7 work group on RDF for Semantic Interoperability?
CFP: SIMBig'2014
Updated Invitation: [LLD] Reminder: Dataset Description telco @ Weekly from 11:00 to 12:00 on Monday (HCLS)
5th International Workshop on Consuming Linked Data (COLD2014) - colocated at ISWC2014
Reminder: FOIS ECS and workshop submission deadlines approaching soon
[bioportal-announce] NCBO BioPortal 4.6 Released!
CFP: Special Issue of the International Journal On Semantic Web and Information Systems on the Ubiquitous Semantic Web
CFP: Special Issue of the International Journal On Semantic Web and Information Systems on the Ubiquitous Semantic Web
1st CFP: ISWC'14 Workshop on Context, Interpretation and Meaning (CIM2014)
FYI: openFDA
[Update] [LLD] Reminder: Dataset Description telco
- Re: [Update] [LLD] Reminder: Dataset Description telco
- Calling for people like you at the Healthcare Datapalooza 1-3 June 2014, held in Washington DC
Outcome of clinical pharmacogenomics task force: "An Ontology-Based, Mobile-Optimized System for Pharmacogenomic Decision Support at the Point-of-Care"
- RE: Outcome of clinical pharmacogenomics task force: "An Ontology-Based, Mobile-Optimized System for Pharmacogenomic Decision Support at the Point-of-Care"
- Re: Outcome of clinical pharmacogenomics task force: "An Ontology-Based, Mobile-Optimized System for Pharmacogenomic Decision Support at the Point-of-Care"