- From: Anja Metzner <anja.metzner@HS-augsburg.de>
- Date: Thu, 22 May 2014 11:14:10 +0200
- to: academy@onthemove-conferences.org
================================================================= 11th OTM Academy (a tutored workshop for PhD students) October 27-28, 2014, Amantea, Calabria, Italy http://www.onthemove-academy.org/ In conjunction with OnTheMove Federated Conferences and Workshops (OTM'14) http://www.onthemove-conferences.org Proceedings published by Springer LNCS Deadline: abstracts June 22 & papers June 27 ================================================================= Not your usual PhD symposium, this! are you enrolled in a PhD program related to today's information systems? Consider! The OntheMove Academy offers * sophisticated personalized feedback on your research plans and topic; * a structured opportunity to share ideas, experiences, hopes, -with fellow students and your future peers; * improvement of your scientific communication and presentation skills; * face to face meetings with authors whom you only know by their publications; * training in paper reviewing expertise; * a wider horizon for your professional interests; * fun moments alternating with work. Dare to submit! If accepted you will... * enjoy dedicated critical personal feedback (note: true also if your paper is not accepted!) * see your paper published in the well known Springer LNCS series; * be given constructive advice on how to improve your scientific writing and presentation skills by experts of the OTM Academy; * receive unlimited access to all OnTheMove14 conferences and workshops for a strongly reduced fee ... and much more! Tempted? Follow these steps... * coordinate your submission plans with your principal doctoral advisor * check whether the OTM topics match your research * pin a printed copy of the OTM Academy Call for Papers above your desk * write your paper according to the instructions * (... you may benefit from our tips and suggestions) * upload your abstract and paper * await notice of your acceptance or rejection * And meanwhile advertise OTM Conferences to your friends and colleagues To PhD students without an accepted submission to the 2014 OTM Academy: of course you are warmly encouraged to register as participants. We guarantee it to be fruitful to observe and interact with presenting authors, and to expand your horizon by doing so. OTMA 2014 will award the best contribution ! Potential topics include, but are not limited to: * data management for linked open, (big) data, business information systems, or bioinformatics * context-aware approaches for multimedia information retrieval * ontology-based data integration and quality assessment, Q&A, accessing and querying data, and process and service specification * distributed and open architectures for cloud computing * mobile-based architectures and applications * semantics and infrastructures to support the Internet of Things * community and semantically driven IT for business ecosystems * data science/governance in e-finance, e-government, e-health, e-science, IMPORTANT DATES: Abstracts Submission Deadline: June 22 Paper Submission Deadline: June 27 Acceptance Notification: August 3 Camera ready received: September 1 Registration Deadline: September 1 OTM Academy '14: October 27 - 28 OTM14 Conferences: October 27 - 31 The program committee consists of the following reviewers: * Galia Angelova (Bulgarian Academy of Science, Bulgary) * Christophe Bussler (Tropo Inc., USA) * Paolo Ceravolo (University degli Studi di Milano, Italy) * Philippe CudreMauroux (University of Fribourg, Switzerland) * Dejing Dou (University of Oregon, USA) * Avigdor Gal (Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Israel) * Alfred Holl (University of Applied Sciences Nuremberg, Germany) * Frederic Le Mouel (University of Lyon, France) * Marcello Leida (Khalifa University Abu Dhabi, United Arabic Emirates) * Erich J. Neuhold (University of Vienna, Austria) * Herve Panetto (Nancy University, France) * Erik Proper (Public Research Centre - Henri Tudor, Luxembourg) * Anja Metzner (University of Applied Sciences Augsburg, Germany) * Fatiha Sais (Universite Paris-Sud XI, France) * Andreas Schmidt (Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences, Germany) * Peter Spyns (Flemish Dept. of Economy, Science and Innovation, Belgium) * Maria-Esther Vidal (Universidad Simon Bolivar, Venezuela) Peter Spyns and Maria-Esther Vidal (OTMA'14 Organising Chairs) contact: academy@onthemove-conferences.org -- Prof. Dr. Anja Metzner University of Applied Sciences Augsburg, Department of Computer Sciences Postfach 11 06 05, 86161 Augsburg, Germany Tel: +49 (0)821 - 5586/3426
Received on Thursday, 22 May 2014 09:16:03 UTC