Re: Propose an HL7 work group on RDF for Semantic Interoperability?

Draft minutes from today's discussion are attached.  We discussed the 
following topics:

  - Salus

  - Movement toward RDF-based electronic health records

  - claude: An approach to Modifying Extensions in FHIR ont

  - Current problems of HL7, and whether RDF can help


On 05/27/2014 04:12 AM, David Booth wrote:
> FYI, on last week's teleconference I said I would be revising the draft
> charter for a possible HL7 work group and we could discuss it this week.
>   Unfortunately I haven't done that homework yet, so it may have to wait
> two weeks, because next week is the Healthcare Datapalooza conference.
> Sorry for the delay.  However, I'd be happy to discuss any other topics
> this morning.
> thanks,
> David

Received on Wednesday, 28 May 2014 00:25:48 UTC