Activity Pingback
- Niklas Lindström (Saturday, 13 October)
- Stéphane Corlosquet (Saturday, 13 October)
- Henry Story (Saturday, 13 October)
- Niklas Lindström (Saturday, 13 October)
- Henry Story (Saturday, 13 October)
- Melvin Carvalho (Saturday, 13 October)
- Andrei Sambra (Saturday, 13 October)
- Henry Story (Saturday, 13 October)
- Melvin Carvalho (Saturday, 13 October)
- Sandeep Shetty (Saturday, 13 October)
- Andrei Sambra (Friday, 12 October)
- Melvin Carvalho (Friday, 12 October)
- Henry Story (Friday, 12 October)
- Melvin Carvalho (Friday, 12 October)
- Melvin Carvalho (Friday, 12 October)
- Melvin Carvalho (Thursday, 11 October)
- Sandeep Shetty (Thursday, 11 October)
- Melvin Carvalho (Thursday, 11 October)
- Sandeep Shetty (Monday, 1 October)
- Henry Story (Monday, 1 October)
ANN: todo list app
EmailSigning feedback
Fwd: [announce] WebPlatform Docs: community resource for Web developers and designers
Fwd: Activity Pingback
Fwd: IETF approves HTTP 2.0 charter
Fwd: RDB2RDF Recommendations are published
Fwd: W3C Community Group for SDshare
Getting Serious about WebID Bootstrap
identification, authorisation, authentication
- Poor Richard (Wednesday, 31 October)
- Andrei Sambra (Wednesday, 31 October)
- Nathan (Wednesday, 31 October)
- Kingsley Idehen (Wednesday, 31 October)
- Andrei Sambra (Wednesday, 31 October)
- Nathan (Wednesday, 31 October)
- Nathan (Wednesday, 31 October)
- Henry Story (Wednesday, 31 October)
- Poor Richard (Wednesday, 31 October)
- Nathan (Wednesday, 31 October)
Introducing Ubuntu Web Apps: setting the web free of the browser
ISO 15926
Lyon Hotel - Re: TPAC - final day to register at €45
Meeting minutes of first day at TPAC
MyProfile VM image available for download.
New Description Line for RWW CG
notes from TPAC
On the security of cloud storage services
preparing for TPAC teleconf
preparing for TPAC teleconf - 6pm Paris time 11 Oct
Proposal: 7 Core Use Cases For The Social RWW?
RWW-0 Interop Draft
- Kingsley Idehen (Sunday, 28 October)
- Melvin Carvalho (Sunday, 28 October)
- Kingsley Idehen (Sunday, 28 October)
- Melvin Carvalho (Sunday, 28 October)
- Melvin Carvalho (Sunday, 28 October)
- Melvin Carvalho (Saturday, 27 October)
- Melvin Carvalho (Saturday, 27 October)
- Melvin Carvalho (Friday, 26 October)
- Kingsley Idehen (Friday, 26 October)
- Melvin Carvalho (Friday, 26 October)
- Melvin Carvalho (Friday, 26 October)
- Kingsley Idehen (Tuesday, 23 October)
Test Post
TLS-CCA. Was: Browser UI & privacy - a discussion with Ben Laurie
TPAC - final day to register at €45
TPAC Agenda
TPAC Lyon meeting for WebID, RWW & Social Web community groups
TPAC meeting - don't forget to pay and register
transfer of URI/WebID ownership
Understanding Activity Dialog
Unity Web API v 1.0
VIE.js - Semantic Interaction Framework
W3C Technical Plenary registration form
web identity problem illustrated rather well
WebID and e-mail verification -- was: Getting Serious about WebID Bootstrap
WebID and Friends -- a silent movie demonstrating what's possible
WebID, ReadWriteWeb and SocialWeb meetup at TPAC [via Read Write Web Community Group]
WebID, WebID Protocol definitions and requirements.
- Kingsley Idehen (Wednesday, 31 October)
- Nathan (Wednesday, 31 October)
- Kingsley Idehen (Wednesday, 31 October)
- Stéphane Corlosquet (Wednesday, 31 October)
- Michael Hausenblas (Wednesday, 31 October)
- Nathan (Wednesday, 31 October)
- Kingsley Idehen (Wednesday, 31 October)
- Kingsley Idehen (Wednesday, 31 October)
- Stéphane Corlosquet (Wednesday, 31 October)
- Nathan (Wednesday, 31 October)
- Kingsley Idehen (Wednesday, 31 October)
- Nathan (Wednesday, 31 October)
What is a WebID?
Why it always starts with Email
Writing to your facebook timeline via feed dialog
Last message date: Wednesday, 31 October 2012 23:27:08 UTC