Re: Activity Pingback

On 11 October 2012 21:16, Sandeep Shetty <> wrote:

> > I might be quite interested to try out the "like" use case from any URI
> to
> > any URI.
> >
> > I know that facebook and google have a like button that is used in many
> > sites, does anyone have a button that we could use to test out the
> general
> > case?
> I have a working open-source (alpha) implementation of Activity
> Pingback at:
> and I'm currently working on a proof of concept of,
> specifically around "like" and should have something to demo in about
> a weeks time.
> There are some interesting problems with federated likes (or any
> activity for that matter). For example, unlike centralized likes, its
> hard to ensure accuracy of like counts since the activities are taking
> place on different websites and any problems during the activity
> pingback process could mean loss of info.  To mitigate this, an
> activity pingback endpoint will need to implement queuing of
> unsuccessful activity pingbacks and retry with an exponential delay
> (like you typically would do with webhooks). Endpoints could delegate
> this responsibility to open proxies (soon to be implemented at
> to simply their own implementation (this is
> the equivalent of a hub in PubSubHubbub).
> I would love to get feedback and suggestions from people on this list
> on how this could be improved upon.

Great I'd love to take a look.

My current idea is to model a 'like' as a payment of one 'like' from Alice
to Bob.  In this way you can extend the principle to a full web payment
system quite easily.

In this scenario there's only one like counted between entities.

I was simply going to allow both parties to keep a record of the like,
notified via a pingback.

There's many possible strategies for sync, an exponential rate limited
approach something like tcp/ip may work as you suggest.  I guess we'll
learn more as we try :)

> --
> Sandeep Shetty

Received on Thursday, 11 October 2012 19:27:43 UTC