Re: transfer of URI/WebID ownership

On 10/10/12 7:40 AM, Melvin Carvalho wrote:
> On 10 October 2012 01:37, Nathan < 
> <>> wrote:
>     Was just thinking.. if I let my domain expire (
>     <>), then somebody else can assume my WebIdentity.
>     How would I invalidate that WebID <> and
>     use a new one?
> Cool URIs dont change.

Yes, but that slogan is misleading to an audience that doesn't really 
understand the fact that URIs are denotation mechanisms for entities 
(things). Said slogan doesn't effectively shed light on the fact that a 
Web document is an entity just as You and I are entities.

"Not changing" is a function of name based *indirection* . Every URI is 
a Name. Every Linked Data URI is a Data Source Name (DSN) i.e., a Name 
that resolves to Data via *indirection*.

> They say you are more likely to get divorced than to change your bank 
> account.
> I think in future people will choose their online identity providers 
> as carefully as they choose their bank accounts.

Hopefully, people will be choosing themselves as the primary identity 
provider. All others will be at best secondary and context specific.

> That said, moving bank account is hassle but it's doable.  You need to 
> transfer the connections over from one place to another.  I guess 
> eventually there will be automated services for this.  Redirection is 
> also a neat feature.

The issue is artificially complex (for now) because people have been 
lead to believe PKI isn't for mere mortals. Fix that, and all of the 
contextual fluidity of identity will become much easier for folks to 
grasp etc..

Signing emails is step one for helping folks grok identity and its 
implications re., Internet and Web :-)



Kingsley Idehen	
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Received on Wednesday, 10 October 2012 13:07:11 UTC