Re: Proposal: 7 Core Use Cases For The Social RWW?

+1 I like those.

My hunch is that social networks is essentially blogging + access control to posts using the social graph.

Your wall is your feed reader.
It can read posts it has access to given your position in a social network.
You can make friends (ping back)

Posting to a wall could be done in many ways: either pinging, or just posting the content.


On 15 Oct 2012, at 11:33, Melvin Carvalho <> wrote:

> I've been looking at the mechanics of facebook and they seem to have 7 chief interactions (represented by dialogs)
> I propose that we try and include these into our social read write web systems:
> User Interactions
> ==============
> 1. Adding a friend

so we have ping back, as a starting point.

> 2. Sending a message to a friend

pingback on an access controlled resource should do.
LDP should make posting of full content even easier.

> 3. Sending a request to a friend

I think that' is ping back.

We may need to develop a more enhanced semantic pingback that works with 
ldp, to get more flexibility.

> Feed Interactions
> ================
> 4. Adding a post to a news feed

Just normal feeds should do. Just access control elements to it.

> App Interactions
> ============
> 5. Adding an app

We should develop linked data apps with acts

> 6. Setting app permissions

That is access control.

> Payment Interactions
> ================
> 7. Adding a payment

Need to look into it more. We need to get the others working first I think to get to this one.

> I think we're almost at proof of concept stage with most of this.  But perhaps if we can get decent demos working for each of these use cases, it can be a good showcase of what the read write social web can do?

Social Web Architect

Received on Monday, 15 October 2012 09:55:34 UTC