ANN: todo list app

Just wanted to give a heads up of a very early version of Nathan's task
board app.  I'm now using this all the time:

a lightweight clientside todo list app using localStorage - HTML5 + JS -
demo at

   - double enter when editing to create a new item
   - star for urgent, exclamation for important, auto score and color
   coding based on priority
   - tick to mark an item as complete, and x to remove the an item
   - drag and drop to reorder items
   - multiple columns with editable labels
   - create new tags at the top left, add them to items with the tag button
   drop down, remove a tag from an item by clicking it.
   - focus button to give focus to the item you're currently doing.
   - don't worry about saving, it's all done automatically every time a
   state changes

To clear and start again, just do localStorage.removeItem('todo') in the
console of your browser.

Code is at:

Currently operates on localStorage but can also persist data remotely to
the web:



Helper function:

var url = "" // where you want to store your todos
putFile(url, '<#1> <#todo> "'+ escape(localStorage.todo) +'" .')


var url = "" // where you want to store your todos
$.getJSON(url + '.json', function(data) {   s =
(unescape(JSON.stringify(data[url + '#1'][url + '#todo'][0]['value']))) ;
window.localStorage.todo = s.substring( 1, s.length-1); } )

Then refresh the page

Am quite excited about this app, into a global task tabulator.  Including
the tabulator issue pane.  Rich content.  Payments.  Global Search.
OmniOutliner & much more.  Think minority report as the UI [1]


Received on Sunday, 28 October 2012 15:35:15 UTC