from December 2006 by subject

"recursive rules" vs "recursive terms"

[Admin] Agenda for RIF telecon 12 December

[Admin] Agenda for RIF telecon 19 December

[Admin] Agenda for RIF telecon 5 December

[F2F] REMINDER: [Fwd: Survey on RIF F2F5]

[TED] Action-188, ISSUE: production rule systems have "difficulty" with recursive rules in RIF Core

[TED] CORE Pages Edited for Slot-to-Positional Transformation and Multisorted Syntax

[TED] CORE Pages Edited for Uniform Constants and Multisorted Approach: Actions 186 and 192

[TED] CORE Pages on Positive Conditions and Horn Rules Edited: Slots & Constraints

[TED] Is RIF Core a RIF dialect?

[TED] Question on constraints

[UCR] ISSUE-12 and ACTION6198

[UCR] RIF requirements: general VS pahse 1 VS phase 2

a possibly useful bit on sorted logics

ACTION-170: List (clarify) issues raised by the extensibility requirement

ACTION-181: Edit sub-section on benefits based on earlier email

asn06/OWL vs. UML [was: asn06 take 2 (Abstract Syntax as a kind of ontology?)]

AW: Outcomes from 12/19 telecon

Data Models as Constraint Systems

Draft Minutes of telcon 12_12_06

European MSc in Computational Logic - scholarships available

Example of applying sorted-nucleus? was Re: [TED] CORE Pages on Positive Conditions and Horn Rules Edited: Slots & Constraints Notes from UCR breakout of 11/04 --> coverage

ISSUE-26: ROUNDTRIP ISSUE: Replication of original rules after roundtripping to RIF

Minutes of telcon 12/5/06

Outcomes from 12/19 telecon

SPARQL rules!

Survey on RIF F2F5

types of conformance

W3C RIF: "recursive rules" vs "recursive terms"

Last message date: Tuesday, 26 December 2006 21:35:02 UTC