Re: Example of applying sorted-nucleus? was Re: [TED] CORE Pages on Positive Conditions and Horn Rules Edited: Slots & Constraints

Michael Kifer wrote:

>>> This kind of thing is done in every programming language to various
>>> degrees.  For instance, in C, things that are sequences of digits belong to
>>> the sort of integers. Things that look like 123.456 are floats, "..." are
>>> strings. Alphanumeric things are variable names, type names, and procedure
>>> names. They are distinguished contextually by their declarations.

>> The notion of sorts of integers, strings etc and quantification over 
>> sorts was at least somewhat familiar to me. It was the notion of 
>> treating the variable names themselves as sorts, as opposed to 
>> sorted-variables (i.e. where the variable is restricted to range over a 
>> sort), that was a little surprising at first. Just ignorance on my part.
> Sorry, must be some misunderstanding. We are talking about sorted
> variables.  Can you please point me to where it says (or implies) that
> variable names are sorts?

I read the text:
    "Things that look like 123.456 are floats..."
as saying that there could be a sort of "floats" (no surprise!).

By analogy I took the following sentence :
   "Alphanumeric things are variable names, type names, and procedure
as meaning that there could be a sort of "variables" or "variable names".

My misunderstanding again.

This was at the heart of why I was confused first time around. To me 
"webizing" is about how you spell things like variable-names and 
procedure-names, and not to do with the type system that constrains the 
types of variables or the signatures of procedures.

>>> Unfortunately, this syntax is UGLY. It also is not very flexible if we want
>>> some sorts to be non-disjoint (e.g., one to extend the other, which is very
>>> useful; such logics are called order-sorted).
>> Not sure I follow that. In RDF those datatypes include types which are 
>> non-disjoint (xsd:decimal contains xsd:integer contains xsd:int etc). It 
>> is true that a literal can only have a single explicit type and this is 
>> a limitation but I don't think that limitation fundamentally stems from 
>> that aspect of the syntax; non-literal individuals are not so restricted 
>> or course.
> The problem is this. Suppose that sort A is a subset of sort B and we have
> a literal of sort A. We would write this literal as, say, foo^^A.
> On the other hand, the literals in B must look like foo^^B, which is different.
> Of course, we could start adjusting things and say that the literals of the
> sort B must have the form  foo^^B or foo^^A or ........... (and the list
> goes on, as we have to include all the subsorts of A, etc.). This is
> particularly inconvenient if subsorts are going to be added by the various
> dialects. 


I guess this isn't a problem in RDF because the interpretation of foo^A 
and foo^B will be identical - the lexical-to-valuespace map will map 
each onto the same valuespace element - and in RDF it's only the 
interpretation we care about.

>>> Now, regarding the RDF instantiation, we could use
>>> &^$#$%%rdf(prop,object,subject), where &^$#$%%rdf is a special
>>> predicate symbol for RDF triples.
>>> The sort of the symbol &^$#$%%rdf would have to be the Boolean sort
>>>     iri x iri x (iri+literal)
>>> where iri is a sort that contains all iri symbols and "literal" is a sort
>>> that contains all primitive data types. iri+literal is the least upper
>>> bound of the sorts iri and literal.
>> I realize this just an example but a direct mapping in which rdf 
>> Properties can be treated as binary predicates (as in the UC8 example) 
>> would be preferable, I think.
> If the Core will allow variables over predicate symbols like in HiLog then
> we could encode RDF directly as prop(object,subject).


>> That comment aside this example does reduce my uncertainty, thanks. So 
>> the components of the boolean sort are what I would informally think of 
>> as the syntactic entities like 'iri' (URIRefs in RDF-speak) rather than 
>> the interpretation domain elements that they correspond to ('resources' 
>> in RDF-speak). Makes sense.
> I am not sure I understand what you said.
> It may be that the name "Boolean sort" is not good, since one might think
> of a sort of {t,f} or a sort of truth values in general. What I meant was
> the sort sort1 x ..., sort_k -> Bool. Perhaps "predicate sort" is a better
> name. "Truth-valued arrow sort" is probably the most precise name.

I think I understood that and "boolean sort" is fine by me as a name.

What I was trying to do was clarify whether these sorts are sets of 
syntactic elements or sets of domain elements (i.e. the things those 
syntactic elements denote).

I interpreted the example to mean that they are sets of syntactic 
elements, i.e. things like IRIs. One might contrast this with an 
owl:Class like owl:Thing - the elements of (the extension of) owl:Thing 
are the domain elements not the IRIs that denote them. In RDF those go 
by the somewhat overloaded term "resource".

Though I suspect I'm just showing my ignorance again in thinking this is 
a relevant or meaningful distinction :-(


Received on Tuesday, 12 December 2006 18:41:30 UTC