Re: [TED] CORE Pages Edited for Uniform Constants and Multisorted Approach: Actions 186 and 192

Boley, Harold wrote:

> Omitting the 'type' attribute can be regarded as specifying the
> appropriate 'root' type: a "primitive", arrow, or boolean sort
> (,
> section "Multisorted Extensions of the RIF Core").
> The "primitive" sort is the root as used in order-sorted logics
> (often called Any) 

Ah, that makes sense.

> and description logics (in OWL called Thing).

Yes but ...

> So, the untyped
> <Con>6</Con>
> can be regarded as specifying the owl:Thing root type
> (cf.
> <Con type="http://...owl#Thing">6</Con>
> This default type can also be assumed for IRI'zed individuals.
> So, the untyped, webized
> <Con iri=""/>
> can be regarded as specifying
> <Con type="http://...owl#Thing"
>      iri=""/>

That particular case might be legal but in general I'm not sure the root 
sort can be OWL:Thing.

We want to use IRIs at least for datatypes, property names and class 
names as well as individuals. In OWL/DL then only individuals are 
instances of owl:Thing - classes, properties and individuals are 
mutually disjoint.

Perhaps the root sort should be rdfs:Resource. In an OWL/full 
interpretation rdfs:Resource and owl:Thing do have the same extension 
but I assume we want to at least leave open the possibility of OWL/DL 


Received on Monday, 11 December 2006 16:43:12 UTC